[comp.sys.amiga] the stereo sound player question revisited

91_bickingd@gar.union.edu (Bicking, David) (05/26/90)

>From: tadguy@cs.odu.edu (Tad Guy)
>Date: 20 May 90 21:29:40 GMT

>In article <19802@snow-white.udel.EDU> 91_bickingd@gar.union.edu (Bicking, David
>) writes:
>> I tried to dl some of the sounds found at Xanth and was VERY
>> disappointed.  The sounds also tended to play twice.  Now, using my
>> deductive reasoning, I came to the conclusion that my player is not
>> able to play stereo sounds
>Astounding!  When you next connect to xanth.cs.odu.edu, also download
>/usenet/comp.binaries.amiga/volume90/util/sound/, which is a player
>that works with most of the files in /incoming/amiga/sounds/...
>	...tad

	I also neglected to mention that I saw that program in my search, but
it was archived with COMPRESS.  Now, since I only have a 1 meg A500, and our
node is VMS, that means I can't unpack *.Z files!!!!  The good news is that I
found a good stereo player on a BBS recently.

	Does anyone out there have a Compress utility that will work in UNDER
one meg????  Perhaps Xanth should start storing their files in a less
proprietary format (yeah, right :).

"I don't want to start any Blasphemous Rumors, but I think that God's got a
sick sense of humor and when I die I expect to find him laughing"

Dave Bicking         	       Single Tasking????? Just say NO!!!!
Union College Box 152          91_bickingd@union.bitnet              //
Schenectady, NY 12308          91_bickingd@gar.union.edu	   \X/ Amiga 


farren@well.sf.ca.us (Mike Farren) (05/27/90)

91_bickingd@gar.union.edu (Bicking, David) writes:
>	I also neglected to mention that I saw that program in my search, but
>it was archived with COMPRESS.  Now, since I only have a 1 meg A500, and our
>node is VMS, that means I can't unpack *.Z files!!!!  The good news is that I
>found a good stereo player on a BBS recently.

>	Does anyone out there have a Compress utility that will work in UNDER
>one meg????  Perhaps Xanth should start storing their files in a less
>proprietary format (yeah, right :).

compress is hardly proprietary - the sources for it are readily available,
and it can be found on all kinds of systems.  Perhaps xanth has a copy.
It also runs just fine on a 512K Amiga, let alone a 1M machine.  Of course,
you'd better not be doing anything ELSE on that 512K machine, but it WILL
Mike Farren 				     farren@well.sf.ca.us