[comp.sys.amiga] ELITE CHEAT

trebbien@cbmger.UUCP (Uwe Trebbien GERMANY) (05/30/90)

A little time ago there was a posting how to use the build in hacker
mode of ELITE.

Here are some more informations for byte locations and how to use them

To enter the hacker mode you have to enter SARA as the first password,
then the real one. In the game you enter the hacker by pressing the
<HELP> key.

Now here are the locations (all variables in hex) :

00-0B	Players name ASCII terminated with 00
0C,0D	Number of galctic chart - 1 (00,00 means chart 1)
0E-15	Planet (encoded)
16	Options (1=Effects 2=Damping 4=Autocenter 8=Reversdive
		10=Docking 20=Dockingsequence)
18-1B	Credits in 1/10 BINARY
1C,1D	Price index (changes prices, don't know, which rules)
1E,1F	Fuel in 1/10 of light years BINARY
20,21*	No of missiles (max 00,04)
22,23	Large cargo bay (00,00/00,01)
24,25	ECM system (00,00/00,01)
26,27	Pulse laser ([26]=80, [27]> 1=Front 2=Rear 4=Left 8=Right)
28,29	Beam laser (see 26,27)
2A,2B	Fuel Scoop (00,00/00,01)
2C,2D	Escape capsule (00,00/00,01)
2E,2F	Energy bomb (00,00/00,01)
30,31	Energy unit (00,00/00,01/00,02=Naval energy unit)
32,33	Docking computer (00,00/00,01)
34,35	Galactic hyperdrive (00,00/00,01)
36,37	Mining laser (see 26,27)
38,39	Military laser (see 26,27)
3A,3B	Retro rockets (00,00/00,01)
3C,3D	ECM jammer (00,00/00,01)
3E,3F	Cloaking device (00,00/00,01)
40-87	standard devices 4 bytes each in grams BINARY
88-8B	Unhappy refugees 4 bytes in grams
8C-8F	Thagoid documents 4 bytes in grams
90,91	Legal status (00,00=Legal <00,32=Offender >=00,32=Fugitive)
92-95	Score BINARY
96,97*	Rating ([96] is always 0, [97]> 0=Harmless 1= Mostly harmless
		2=Poor 3=Average 4=Above average 5=Competent
		6=Dangerous 7=Deadly 8=ELITE)
A4,A5	Seconds played
A6,A7	Minutes played
A8,A9	Hours played
AA,AB	Days played
AC-B7	Planets name ASCII terminated with 00
B8,B9	Cursor type
BA,BB	No of retro rockets fired (upto 5, then resets location [3A,3B]
		a value of 80,00 gives unlimited retro rockets)
All entries marked with * should not contain numbers other than the
The fuel entry will cause an improper display of the local map if too
large. I guess a number up to ten (03,E8) will cause no problems.

The locations 98-A3 and BC-FF will perhaps contain the availability of



Uwe Trebbien              trebbien@cbmger
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