[comp.sys.amiga] PicTeX question

myb100@csc.anu.oz (06/03/90)

In article <4265@uwm.edu>, duncan@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Shan D Duncan) writes:
[lotsa stuff deleted..]
> As long as I am posting... does anybody have pictex running on the amiga?
[lots more stuff deleted..]
> _Thank_you_
> -Shan

I just finished installing AmigaTeX the other day on my 2000 (std+2M)
and it's great (more congrats to Tom!). The thought struck me..
'PicTeX...would it work ?'  

  But somewhere in the manual (I just tried to find it again -no luck) 
it says that you can't use LaTeX and PicTeX together, due to memory limitations.
Never one to believe everything I read, I copied the pictex.tex and other
includes from our mainframe to try this out. This was 10 minutes ago, and now
I read your request ! :-)

I just now tried it on a sample page TeX+PicTeX and had no problems at all.
I then tried the same page through LaTeX (It was originally LaTeX, I just 
took the L' specific stuff out) and it worked too - no problems a'tall a'tall..
Note that this was a fairly simple X-Y plot, so I haven't tried the memory
grinding stuff yet..

So, what were your problems ?

I'm not sure about the status of PicTeX.....is it PD or what ? I couldn't see
anything in the documentation about this. I won't be using it on my Amiga as
all my plots come from the mainframe in PostScript, and thats where I print
them. Also it takes up 140k on my HD that might be put to better use. But then
again.....Does somebody know ? 

Thanks for any info
 Markus Buchhorn                                           ///  | This space
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