[comp.sys.amiga] 2630 zip sockets

a218@mindlink.UUCP (Charlie Gibbs) (05/30/90)

     When I bought my 2500/30 I wanted the memory upgrade for heavy DTP work.
I left it to my dealer (Computerman!!, great place in Vancouver) and they went
for sockets.  They do fit, although apparently it wasn't much fun to get them
in.  It works perfectly, though.

For every vision there is an equal and opposite revision.

jfath@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (jerome fath) (05/31/90)

Has anyone actually used sockets to add the extra 2 megs to a 2630 card?
Was there enough clearance?  Who sells the correct sockets?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Jerry Fath

Eric.Sanders@f210.n110.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Eric Sanders) (06/07/90)

Jerome,  I tried to find ZIP sockets too but was unable to locate them
so I just ended up soldering in my ZIPs and have had no problems. 
Incedently, if you're in the market to ZIPs, I've got four megs of the
little critters left.  I'll sell them for $160 per two megs.

AFIT Amiga Users BBS/UFGateway |Eric Sanders - via FidoNet node 1:110/300
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