[comp.sys.amiga] New Educational Prices

sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) (04/12/90)

kenbuck@sacemnet.af.mil (KENBUCK) writes:

>where users can buy Amiga hardware at good prices.  I have not heard of this
>before.  Im considering upgrading my 500 to a 2000 or 2500, but Im waiting
>for the right price.  Could someone possibly give me more details on this
>program.  Thank You.

Check your dealer. CBM is offering educational packages. 

BUT, someone mentioned that CBM has extended the deadline past June and
that the prices/packages might have changed since we last heard. I called
my dealer and he said he is not sure, but that he thinks the June deadline
is no more and that it is now on a month to month basis with no particular
end in sight, but that it could be pulled whenever CBM wanted to. He has
no info on new prices.

If someone out there can find out for sure (my dealer is not always the most
informed on in the country :-), and post it on here for us, please do.

Let us know the status of the discounts (deadlines, etc) and if any of the
packages or prices have changed.

John Sparks  | D.I.S.K. 24hrs 2400bps. Accessable via Starlink (Louisville KY)
sparks@corpane.UUCP |                                     | PH: (502) 968-DISK 
The future isn't what it used to be.

bscott@pikes.Colorado.EDU (Ben Scott) (04/14/90)

In article <1692@corpane.UUCP> sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) writes:
>Check your dealer. CBM is offering educational packages. 
>BUT, someone mentioned that CBM has extended the deadline past June and
>that the prices/packages might have changed since we last heard. I called
>my dealer and he said he is not sure, but that he thinks the June deadline
>is no more and that it is now on a month to month basis with no particular
>end in sight, but that it could be pulled whenever CBM wanted to. He has
>no info on new prices.

What *I* wanna know is how the Amiga 3000 is going to fit in!  IS it going
on the plan, and if so, will it be a 'bundle' or a 'component'?  You see, 
there's just a slim chance that I will be in the position to buy one of 
these beauties about the time they're due out (according to popular rumor)
depending on the future status of this potential contract, and I want to 
know if I'll be able to buy it on the student plan; if so, I will begin
checking out the forms as soon as possible.

Hey, Commodore!  You could just say something like "At this time, any 
hypothetical new releases will/will not fall under the Educational discount
plan, if they exist; however, we can neither confirm nor deny..."

Well, it was worth a try.  But I don't want to have to end up buying something
obsolete like the 2500/30... (it was a JOKE!  Just a JOKE!)
.                           <<<<Infinite K>>>>

|                                                                             |
|  Someday, I'm going to make up a clever .sig file like everyone else has... |

UH2@psuvm.psu.edu (Lee Sailer) (05/26/90)

In article <3529@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu>, chris@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
(Chris Peck) says:
>Here's a copy of the "new" educational price list, I just downloaded
>this pricelist from CompuServe.

Here at my school, if a person goes to the computer center and asks about
educational discounts, he or she receives a copy of the IBM and APPLE price
lists, because those are the companies that have official Penn State

High placed inside sources at Commodore 8-) say that it is difficult to
negotiate such deals with every school they'd like to, so that is why
many schools don't "advertise" the Commodore discount program.  OK.

HOWEVER, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I sent a copy of this recently posted current price list to the director
of our computer center, and asked him nicely if he could please make
copies of it and distribute it to people who come in and ask for educational
price lists.  He said, "OK."

It seems to me that lots of us could do the same thing.  Take the price list
to your computer center director, and see if you can convince him or her
to make it available, mention it in newsletters, etc.

Can't hurt, can it?

amigaman@portiaStanford.EDU (Colin Gould) (05/27/90)

Regarding the suggestion to talk to everybody`s computing center
and giving them the new educational prices for CBM, so that students
might actually get to see pricing for computers other than Mac/IBM:
  Well, I tried that here, and prewtty much got ignored. Bookstore said
"We'll see if there's demand for it. We'll call you."
Although, CBM/AMiga did try to work stuff out with Stanford before, and 
Stanford turned them down...I talked to CBM recently about reopening the
issue and got the typical dumb CBM response ("as a student you're not in
a position to make a request.") Said the ball's in Stanford's court.
And Stanford isn't interested in playing...
ANybody else have any success? I might try again later but I'm going to
Berlin next year. Hard to be a campus rep from 10,000 miles away...
       -Colin Gould

sjm@sun.udel.edu (Steve Morris) (05/29/90)

amigaman@portiaStanford.EDU (Colin Gould) writes:
[sutff deleted]
>Stanford turned them down...I talked to CBM recently about reopening the
>issue and got the typical dumb CBM response ("as a student you're not in
>a position to make a request.") Said the ball's in Stanford's court.
>And Stanford isn't interested in playing...

For Colin and anyone else who might have trouble being taken seriously
as a student: Try finding a faculty or staff member who has an amiga,
see if you can get their weight behind a request. Or find one who is
sympathetic to the cause. Maybe they could request an on campus demo of
the 2000 and 3000 systems. Get a bunch of users group members (if there
is a group) to arange a presentation on campus. The slogan is "The
computer for the creative mind."(tm) In orcer to get past closed minds
you will have to practice being creative.

Steven Morris, University of Delaware - Instructional TV

UH2@psuvm.psu.edu (Lee Sailer) (05/29/90)

In article <1990May27.123814.504@portia.Stanford.EDU>,
amigaman@portiaStanford.EDU (Colin Gould) says:
>Regarding the suggestion to talk to everybody`s computing center
>and giving them the new educational prices for CBM, so that students
>might actually get to see pricing for computers other than Mac/IBM:
>  Well, I tried that here, and prewtty much got ignored. Bookstore said
>"We'll see if there's demand for it. We'll call you."

Well, good try.  Maybe the reason I succeeded where you did not is that
I am  a faculty member active in computing.

So, my new variant suggestion for students is to try to find a CS or
MIS faculty member that is either interested in the Amiga, or at least
insterested in the distribution of accurate information about educational
discounts, and get them to approach the Computer center/bookstore/whatever.

Also.  Try a formal approach.  Send a short, clear memo justifying the
distriibution of Commodore prices along with others in the interest
of fair play, academic honesty, helping students and faculty make the
best decision, and so on.  Send it to the director of computing (probably
a suit at the VP level).


sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) (05/30/90)

amigaman@portiaStanford.EDU (Colin Gould) writes:

|Regarding the suggestion to talk to everybody`s computing center
|and giving them the new educational prices for CBM, so that students
|might actually get to see pricing for computers other than Mac/IBM:
|  Well, I tried that here, and prewtty much got ignored. Bookstore said
|"We'll see if there's demand for it. We'll call you."

How about taking an ad out in the school newspaper, telling students that
CBM is offering student discounts on Amiga's and for readers to tell the
bookstore they are interested in finding out more?

John Sparks  | D.I.S.K. 24hrs 2400bps. Accessable via Starlink (Louisville KY)
sparks@corpane.UUCP |                                     | PH: (502) 968-DISK
A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of. - Ogden Nash

yoshio@ucrmath.ucr.edu (yoshio nakamura) (06/07/90)

In article <1875@corpane.UUCP> sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) writes:
>How about taking an ad out in the school newspaper, telling students that
>CBM is offering student discounts on Amiga's and for readers to tell the
>bookstore they are interested in finding out more?
>John Sparks  | D.I.S.K. 24hrs 2400bps. Accessable via Starlink (Louisville KY)
>sparks@corpane.UUCP |                                     | PH: (502) 968-DISK
>A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of. - Ogden Nash

	Commodore put an ad in our school newspaper, the Highlander,
about the educational discounts available.  Did CBM advertise in anyone elses'
school newspaper?  (I'd like to know if it's Commodore is advertising
heavily in lots of university newspapers, which would be a good thing.)


jdutka@wpi.wpi.edu (John Dutka) (06/07/90)

In article <6907@ucrmath.ucr.edu> yoshio@ucrmath.ucr.edu (yoshio nakamura) writes:
>	Commodore put an ad in our school newspaper, the Highlander,
>about the educational discounts available.  Did CBM advertise in anyone elses'
>school newspaper?  (I'd like to know if it's Commodore is advertising
>heavily in lots of university newspapers, which would be a good thing.)

C= didn't advertise in ours.  Of course, it isn't published between May 5 and
August 29th, so, but seeing as WPI was rated the #1 regional college in the
north, and it IS a tech school with a reasonably good reputation, I'm

| husc6!m2c!wpi!jdutka | "Hey, baby - wanna do some HEAT TRANSFER?           |
| jdutka@wpi.wpi.edu   |  Heh, heh, heh!"                                    |
| John Dutka, Jr.      |     -Mechanical Engineers On The Prowl              |
| jdutka%wpi.wpi.edu%mitvma.bitnet __________________________________________|

cmm1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Christopher M Mauritz) (06/08/90)

In article <13324@wpi.wpi.edu> jdutka@wpi.wpi.edu (John Dutka) writes:
>In article <6907@ucrmath.ucr.edu> yoshio@ucrmath.ucr.edu (yoshio nakamura) writes:
>C= didn't advertise in ours.  Of course, it isn't published between May 5 and
>August 29th, so, but seeing as WPI was rated the #1 regional college in the
>north, and it IS a tech school with a reasonably good reputation, I'm

Hehe, cut it out, man.  You're killing me. :-)

>| husc6!m2c!wpi!jdutka | "Hey, baby - wanna do some HEAT TRANSFER?           |
>| jdutka@wpi.wpi.edu   |  Heh, heh, heh!"                                    |
>| John Dutka, Jr.      |     -Mechanical Engineers On The Prowl              |
>| jdutka%wpi.wpi.edu%mitvma.bitnet __________________________________________|


Chris Mauritz                 |Donde hay una cerveza
cmm1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu   |hay un plan.
(c)All rights reserved.       |
Send flames to /dev/null      |El Guerrero Aereo es el rey!

jdutka@wpi.wpi.edu (John Dutka) (06/08/90)

In article <1990Jun7.185845.14912@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> cmm1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Christopher M Mauritz) writes:
>>August 29th, so, but seeing as WPI was rated the #1 regional college in the
>Hehe, cut it out, man.  You're killing me. :-)

I was being sarcastic.  It's true, as seen by the annual US News & World
Report report, but I was being sarcastic...

Now for a serious question:
Does anyone know of a source for the SCRAMs used on the 3000?

| husc6!m2c!wpi!jdutka | "Hey, baby - wanna do some HEAT TRANSFER?           |
| jdutka@wpi.wpi.edu   |  Heh, heh, heh!"                                    |
| John Dutka, Jr.      |     -Mechanical Engineers On The Prowl              |
| jdutka%wpi.wpi.edu%mitvma.bitnet __________________________________________|

sjg00257@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (06/09/90)

Regarding Commodore advertising in school papers:

   Well, actually, Commodore didn't advertise here at the University
of Illinois (in "The Daily Illini"), but some company from Bloomington,
Illinois did put in a 2"x3" ad that said something to the effect of
"Educational Discount for Amiga: call this number ..."  It was the kind
of thing that could bring you out of morning daze (Wow! an actual ad!)
   Sorry, I don't remember the number, but that was over a month ago.

			No Flashy Sign-Off,
			Scott Garrett