[comp.sys.amiga] OZ & NZ Tech Support

jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil (Calvin Jones, III) (06/15/90)

Geoff McCaughan <geoff@actrix.co.nz> writes:

> Our current theory is that this is because they're too embarrassed to
> admit that most of the developers and a good portion of the user group
> memebers could run rings around their 'technical' staff. 
> Somebody please do something...... 
Perhaps *YOU* can do something.  It's just possible that CBM (or 
whatever your local corporation is called) cannot realistically support 
staffing that area with the technical expertise that you would like to 
see.  But you could try to work with then to set up some type of 
informal network/BBS system so that interested individuals/organizations 
could at least share information.  If you pitched that idea to them, 
they might be willing to provide some logistical support, even if they 
could not provide technical support.
Attempting to use whatever strengths the local organization has will 
certainly be more to your benefit than complaining about their 
weaknesses.  If the company is doing as well there as I've heard, they 
must not be complete dummies!
   --- Cal
   //  Cal Jones - Internet:  <Jones@UV4.Eglin.AF.Mil>
 \X/               BBS:  904-243-6219  1200-9600HST  340Meg, all Amiga
                         Single Tasking?    *JUST SAY NO!!!*