[net.general] Examples of UN*X commands

kemp@noscvax.UUCP (08/31/83)

  I have compiled about 130 examples of UN*X commands. I am interested in
gathering more; an exhaustive set would be nice, but...
  By commands, I mean "standard" 4.1 bsd commands such those as found in man(1).
Local commands, however useful, are really only useful at the local site.
  My intention is that this collection of examples ought to be helpful for
the beginner (at one end of the spectrum, this is the simple or most common
usage of the command), as well as the expert (at the other end of the spectrum,
this includes obscure or complex BUT USEFUL usages.)
  In my existing examples, I have tried to include instances from both ends
of the spectrum while largely ignoring the middle: you really can't have
examples of everything!

EXAMPLE examples (does that make sense?...):
  | % inews -t "The Title You Want" -n net.general < yourfile
  |  will post an article to the net newsgroup net.general with your name as
  |  author, and the title "The Title You Want" as the title. The body of
  |  the actual article will be read from the file "yourfile".
  |                              * * *
  | % ls /usr/smith/bin
  |  lists files contained in the directory /usr/smith/bin
  | % ls -F
  |  will format each type of file entry prior to listing it
  | % ls -gl
  |  will indicate 'group' id and indicates ownership.
  |               - E X A M P L E -
  |  total 72
  |   -rw-r--r-- 1 dal         273 Feb 23 14:04 Messages
  |   drwxr-xr-x 2 user        368 Feb 24 15:32 bin
  | % ls -a
  |  will do a short format list of all files, even 'dot-files'.

The examples I have right now are these:

                 4.1 BSD csh examples :
alias     bg        csh       eval      history   if        limit     login
popd      pushd     rehash    repeat    set       setenv    source    time

                 4.1 BSD unix examples :
apropos   as        at        awk       bc        biff      cat       cc
cd        checknews chfn      chmod     chsh      clear     cmp       col
colrm     comm      cp        crypt     date      dc        dd        diction
diff      du        echo      ed        edit      efl       egrep     eqn
error     ex        expand    expr      f77       fgrep     file      find
finger    fmt       fold      grep      head      inews     kill      last
lex       lint      lisp      ln        look      lorder    lpq       lpr
ls        m4        mail      make      man       mesg      mkdir     mkstr
more      msgs      mv        neqn      net       netcp     netq      nroff
num       od        pc        pr        print     printenv  ps        pwd
px        pxp       ratfor    readnews  refer     rm        rmdir     sdb
sed       sh        soelim    sort      spell     split     strings   stty
style     tail      tbl       tee       tr        troff     uniq      uptime
uucp      vi        vpq       w         wc        whereis   who       whoami

Do YOU have any such useful examples that are not included here? Please send
them to me if you can find the time (via mail...).

Also, do you think this is a worthwhile effort or am I just spinning my

  Thanks in advance,
         Steve Kemp
         Computer Sciences Corp.
         Naval Ocean Systems Center
         San Diego, CA

         via BerkNet:   ...!philabs!sdcsvax!noscvax!kemp
         via ARPA:     kemp@nosc