[comp.sys.amiga] Manx C Large Data Model

crb@raybed2.msd.ray.com (CHRIS BURTON) (07/12/90)

Last night I was compiling a program using Manx C version 3.6a.  I got an error from the linker saying that there was too much data for the small data model.  So I recompiled using both the +D and +C +D options.  I then tried using the large libraries.  Still no good.

The commands I used were:

	cc -n +L +C +D +FI -iinclude/ GameB

	ln -g +C vbserv2 GameB -lc/mal32 -lc/cl32

The linker gave me this error message:

Aztec C68K 3.6a
Base:000000  Code:003fd8  Data:0003ec Udata:0122254
Total data size > 64K! Too large for small data model.

VBserv2 is a small ( <1K) assembly program.

Any ideas what I did wrong?

					Chris Burton