[comp.sys.amiga] Setting up Dnews

C506634@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU ("Eric Edwards") (07/22/90)

I'm trying to set up an unconventional news feed on my amiga.  As such I have
little use for most of the UUCP package.  But, I do want to use Dnews on the
newsfiles.  What's the minimal installation required to get Dnews running?
I assigned UUNEWS: to the disk that had the news files on it and assigned
UULIB: to the lib directory on the first UUCP disk.  I then added the path
of the uucp executables.  When I typed Dnews it churned a bit, asked for the
disk I had the news files on, churned a bit more on that disk and them
spit out "could not find any news"   What gives?  I even went through most
of the quicksetup startup-sequence (with uunews: changed of course) and got
the same results.

   /*/Eric Edwards  c506634@umcvmb.missouri.edu or c506634@umcvmb.bitnet/*/
  /*/ "Sir, you are an excellent star ship captain /"We come in peace, /*/
 /*/  but as a taxi cab driver you leave much to  / shoot to kill"    /*/
/*/  be desired" - Spock, "A Piece of the Action"/  --"Star Trekkin'"/*/