[net.general] frustrated

preece@uicsl.UUCP (09/13/83)

uicsl!preece    Sep 12 11:30:00 1983

The use of net.general has been getting broader and broader lately.
The average hot topic comes in as a news item or query, draws a little
response (or a lot, as in the case of KAL007), then sits for awhile and
starts turning up in various appropriate followup files (e.g., net.flame).
Unfortunately, the nature of this net is to be asynchronous. It's not
uncommon for a posting to take a week to get from one fringe site to
another. The recipient responds immediately in the originating group,
which seems appropriate, and that response filters back to everyone else
sometime later. The result is that discussion begin again in net.general.

We need some kind of mapping mechanism to allow moving whole strings
of notes out of one file into another, so that any note with a certain
'Re:...' title or responding to a particular note, would automatically
move to a different file. I'm not, unfortunately, suggesting any way
to do it...

What prompts this is that there are several things in net.general today
that I would like to respond to, but I have promised people by mail
that I would not say anymore on the subjects involved in net.general.

I think maybe there's something to be said for moderators...

scott preece