[comp.sys.amiga] JRCOMM 1.0 BS

iain.bennett@canremote.uucp (IAIN BENNETT) (07/19/90)

What you all have to do, those with JRComm 1.0 bugs is to write 0 into
location 0.  THhis will kill you problem of JRComm crashing.

        A) This is a hardwar problem.
        B) This is an evaluation copy

bscott@nyx.UUCP (Ben Scott) (07/25/90)

In article <dd96052268df26a4eae0@canremote.uucp> iain.bennett@canremote.uucp (IAIN BENNETT) writes:
>What you all have to do, those with JRComm 1.0 bugs is to write 0 into
>location 0.  THhis will kill you problem of JRComm crashing.

My location zero is fine - I have had no problems with my A-590 once I updated
the FFS.  While this apparently doesn't work for everyone, it worked for ME and
my location zero is clear.  The only problem I have with JRcomm 1.0 is
that it GURUs every time I try to enter VT100.

>        A) This is a hardwar problem.

No it isn't.  Even WITH the problem you are talking about, it is a 
problem with both the 2091/A590 AND JRComm!

.                            <<<<Infinite K>>>>

|Ben Scott, professional goof-off and consultant at The Raster Image, Denver|
|Amiga UUCP node domain: bscott@vila.denver.co.us Else: bscott@nyx.cs.du.edu|
|FIDO point address 1:104/421.2, or call the Arvada 68K BBS at (303)424-9831|
|"Don't embarrass us..."  "Have I ever?" - Buckaroo Banzai  | *AMIGA POWER* |

jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) (07/27/90)

bscott@nyx.UUCP (Ben Scott) writes:

>My location zero is fine - I have had no problems with my A-590 once I updated
>the FFS.  While this apparently doesn't work for everyone, it worked for ME and
>my location zero is clear.  The only problem I have with JRcomm 1.0 is
>that it GURUs every time I try to enter VT100.

Did you install the VT100 fonts?  Lack of them doesn't cause a guru, but it
does cause a requester to lockup.


phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti) (07/28/90)

In article <7@faatcrl.UUCP> jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) writes:
>bscott@nyx.UUCP (Ben Scott) writes:
>>[JRcomm] GURUs every time I try to enter VT100.
>Did you install the VT100 fonts?  Lack of them doesn't cause a guru, but it
>does cause a requester to lockup.
     Which, with a little playing about, can and will lead to a GURU. :-)
I've made it do this a couple of times on the demo version. I've also had
the screen shift right by about 30 pixels, which is pretty weird looking.
The menus still reacted as though they were in the right location, too.
     (Yes, I was intentionally playing around with it... this wasn't
particularly easy to get to happen. I used to write little programmes
like 10 POKE RND(32767),RND(256)-1:GOTO 10 on my TRS-80, too. :-) )
                                                    - R'ykandar.
| R'ykandar Korra'ti | Editor: LOW ORBIT Science and Fiction | PLink: Skywise |
| Elfinkind, Unite!  | phoenix@ms.uky.edu  |  phoenix%ms.uky.edu@ukcc.bitnet  |
| "Hi! We're evangelical Hari-Krishna pedophiles for LaRouche! Would you like |
|  to see some of our fine Amway products?" - TRHMS | CIS 72406,370/LOW ORBIT |

bscott@nyx.UUCP (Ben Scott) (07/28/90)

In article <7@faatcrl.UUCP> jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) writes:
>bscott@nyx.UUCP (Ben Scott) writes:
>>my location zero is clear.  The only problem I have with JRcomm 1.0 is
>>that it GURUs every time I try to enter VT100.
>Did you install the VT100 fonts?  Lack of them doesn't cause a guru, but it
>does cause a requester to lockup.

Well, I found out to my embarrasment that I had not installed the fonts as
such, but once I did the GURU stopped.  (it DID GURU, BTW...not just a lockup)
Since I always used topaz in the earlier versions, due to when I used to 
use Snipit and it didn't like your font, I just sorta neglected to put the
new ones in my Fonts: dir.  Anyway, I tried it a few times and it seemed to
be fairly solid, but I'm back to Handshake now for VT100 for a few reasons, 
not all of which are your fault.  (I wish, though, that lines too long for
the screen would wrap around - I know a VT100 terminal doesn't do this, but
Handshake has an option (HINT HINT) for it and it does help - also, when a
too-long line leaves a character at the end, the optimized scroll routine
"forgets" about it and leaves it on the screen until a screen clear... not
exactly a bug, but...)  (also, I seem to have very few choices as to what
color to set the title bar to in VT100 mode, else it will flash mercilessly.
I liked the old multicolor scheme better, but that's another story) 
One question:  WHY did you change some of the old keyboard shortcuts, most
notably the one for the phone book and for the screen title, when you added
the new functions?  Why not just use new shortcuts for the new functions?

Anyway, I've put 1.0 away until A: I can afford to register to get rid of
that delay screen, which I can't now due to some sudden dental work, and B:
your "bug fix" version (1.1?) comes out, even if the bugs don't affect me,
you might change some more things (hope hope).

Remember, the more you make user-selectable the more people you'll please!

.                           <<<<Infinite K>>>>
|Ben Scott, professional goof-off and consultant at The Raster Image, Denver|
|Amiga UUCP node domain: bscott@vila.denver.co.us Else: bscott@nyx.cs.du.edu|
|FIDO point address 1:104/421.2, or call the Arvada 68K BBS at (303)424-9831|
|"Don't embarrass us..."  "Have I ever?" - Buckaroo Banzai  | *AMIGA POWER* |

phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti) (07/29/90)

In article <1696@nyx.UUCP> bscott@nyx.UUCP (Ben Scott) writes:
>I wish, though, that lines too long for
>the screen would wrap around - I know a VT100 terminal doesn't do this
     Actually, yes, it does. It's a option which can be set via the SETUP
screen. I can't remember which bit you have to flip, but that _is_ a
Standard VT100 Feature...
                                                      - R'ykandar.
| R'ykandar Korra'ti | Editor: LOW ORBIT Science and Fiction | PLink: Skywise |
| Elfinkind, Unite!  | phoenix@ms.uky.edu  |  phoenix%ms.uky.edu@ukcc.bitnet  |
| "Hi! We're evangelical Hari-Krishna pedophiles for LaRouche! Would you like |
|  to see some of our fine Amway products?" - TRHMS | CIS 72406,370/LOW ORBIT |

jprad@faatcrl.UUCP (Jack Radigan) (07/31/90)

bscott@nyx.UUCP (Ben Scott) writes:

>Well, I found out to my embarrasment that I had not installed the fonts as
>such, but once I did the GURU stopped.  (it DID GURU, BTW...not just a lockup)
>Since I always used topaz in the earlier versions, due to when I used to 
>use Snipit and it didn't like your font, I just sorta neglected to put the
>new ones in my Fonts: dir.  

Hmm, hadn't seen the guru, guess it's possible though, a fairly nasty brain
cramp produced that code segment...  BTW, Snap works fine with the fonts in
JR-Comm, don't know about snipit though.

>Anyway, I tried it a few times and it seemed to
>be fairly solid, but I'm back to Handshake now for VT100 for a few reasons, 
>not all of which are your fault.  (I wish, though, that lines too long for
>the screen would wrap around - I know a VT100 terminal doesn't do this, but
>Handshake has an option (HINT HINT) for it and it does help - 

Uh, there is an option for wrapping lines...

>also, when a
>too-long line leaves a character at the end, the optimized scroll routine
>"forgets" about it and leaves it on the screen until a screen clear... not
>exactly a bug, but...)

Yep, got that one fixed now.

>(also, I seem to have very few choices as to what
>color to set the title bar to in VT100 mode, else it will flash mercilessly.
>I liked the old multicolor scheme better, but that's another story) 

Well, the way I set it up was so that you could have hi/lo intensity instead
of bold rendered text and I also wanted to eliminate the flashing menu items
that Handshake exhibits.  Unfortunately, it does leave you with little in the
way of flexibility unless you change the colors in the palette itself.  Also,
you'll notice that the colors are "tied" to one another to keep things

>One question:  WHY did you change some of the old keyboard shortcuts, most
>notably the one for the phone book and for the screen title, when you added
>the new functions?  Why not just use new shortcuts for the new functions?

Again, I wanted things a bit more consistent, there wasn't too many changes,
just two or three that I can think of.

>Anyway, I've put 1.0 away until A: I can afford to register to get rid of
>that delay screen, which I can't now due to some sudden dental work, and B:
>your "bug fix" version (1.1?) comes out, even if the bugs don't affect me,
>you might change some more things (hope hope).

Yes, 1.01 should be out shortly.  It has corrected some of the more abusive
problems and now works fine with 2.0 (again).  I was also able to get ahold 
of a rather nice (and brutal) VT-100 test program.  'Tis amazing how things
differ in reality over how it is described in a manual for these things. ;-)

>Remember, the more you make user-selectable the more people you'll please!

Hehe, I want to consider it somewhat "finished" in *this* century!
