[comp.sys.amiga] Less/GOMF interaction

leivian@dover.sps.mot.com (Bob Leivian) (08/01/90)

For some time now I have been getting reports that LESS 1.3 causes
low memory writes when GOMF is running, It doesn't have any problem
in other cases that I know of and I never did buy GOMF (I use
MEMWATCH) so I never have found the bug. I have been off doing other things
for the last 9 months but now that 3000's are avail I will probably start
up again.

Does the 3000 have a problem with LESS?  also will the GOMF people lend
me a copy so I can find and fix the interaction I am very curious what
causes it because MEMWATCH says it never hapens, my only reports are
in conjenction with GOMF.