@pesnta.UUCP (10/15/83)
UNIGROUP OF NEW YORK ANNOUCES SECOND MEETING The purpose of unigroup of new york is the exchange of information. The theme of our September 28th meeting is just that. We are fortunate to be able to bring together four experts in the field of UNIX communications. Andrew Tannenbaum, Bell Labora- tories, and Daniel Lorenzini, Philips Laboratories, will discuss Usenet, the primary UNIX network. They will describe what is on the net and and how it works. This topic will be covered from the point of view of both the user and the administrator. Peter Honeyman, formerly with Bell Laboratories and now at Princeton University, will discuss problems of the current version of uucp and the recent improvements to the system. Louis Salkind of New York Univer- sity will describe local area networking (TCP) from Berkeley. At the conclusion of these presen- tations there will be an opportunity for members to question the speakers about these and other communications issues. There will be tables for vendor literature at the meeting, and vendors of UNIX-based products or services are invited to bring literature for distri- bution. Wednesday, September 28, 1983 6-9 P.M. at The United Engineering Building 47th St. and 1st Ave. New York, NY