[comp.sys.amiga] On the Fred Fish Compact Disk name

a186@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) (08/19/90)

In <5508@uwm.edu>, trantow@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Jerry J Trantow) writes:
| Now, the final question is...
| Will there be a FredFish optical disk?  (Needs a catchy name)

    First off, congratulations Jerry for an excellent idea.

    And the contestants are:

        Fred Fish Floptical
        Gold Fish
        The Fish Tank
        Fish 'n Chips   <the disk & drive package>
        Optical---> Optic ---> Eye, so how about ... Fish Eye?
        Moby Disk
        Mahi Mahi Disk  (It helps if you say it fast!) *
        A School of Fishware

    And how about:


    * PS.
    I don't get this. Is this Hawaiian humour or something?

     "Ain't no use talking to me --
     It's just the same as talking to you." - Mr. Zimmerman

    Harvey Taylor      Meta Media Productions
    uunet!van-bc!rsoft!mindlink!Harvey_Taylor or a186@mindlink.UUCP

lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) (08/20/90)

In <13890@cbmvax.commodore.com>, givler@cbmvax.commodore.com (Greg Givler - Product Assurance) writes:
>I believe that Mahi Mahi is Shark. If have never had fresh shark grilled on
>a open fire you haven't lived. It is really wonderful stuff.

yes, shark is great, but Mahi Mahi, I believe is dolphin (not the mammal, the

I don't get it either, unless the psoter meant that pronouncing it quickly
would make it soune like 'My My Disk'.


It is not possible to both understand and appreciate Intel CPUs.
|   //   Larry Phillips                                                 |
| \X/    lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca -or- uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips |
|        COMPUSERVE: 76703,4322  -or-  76703.4322@compuserve.com        |

givler@cbmvax.commodore.com (Greg Givler - Product Assurance) (08/20/90)

In article <2870@mindlink.UUCP> a186@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:
>In <5508@uwm.edu>, trantow@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Jerry J Trantow) writes:
>| Now, the final question is...
>| Will there be a FredFish optical disk?  (Needs a catchy name)
>    First off, congratulations Jerry for an excellent idea.
>    And the contestants are:
>        Mahi Mahi Disk  (It helps if you say it fast!) *
>    * PS.
>    I don't get this. Is this Hawaiian humour or something?

I believe that Mahi Mahi is Shark. If have never had fresh shark grilled on
a open fire you haven't lived. It is really wonderful stuff.


Greg Givler                        | Q-Link: GregGivler
Analyst - Systems Evaluation Group | CompuServe: Greg Givler 76702,647
Commodore Product Assurance        | GEnie: G.Givler
215-431-9100                       | The NET: givler@cbmvax.commodore.com
"I'm a Hawk, you're a Tiger... We're our own Zoo" -- Countess Charlotte Malcolm
    -- From the Musical -- _A_Little_Night_Music_ -- By Stephen Sondheim --

nsw@cbnewsm.att.com (Neil Weinstock) (08/21/90)

In article <13890@cbmvax.commodore.com> givler@cbmvax (Greg Givler - Product Assurance) writes:
[ ... ]
>I believe that Mahi Mahi is Shark. If have never had fresh shark grilled on
>a open fire you haven't lived. It is really wonderful stuff.

Mahi mahi is dolphin, actually.  Not the mammal, though, but a fish with the
same name.  Good reason to use "mahi mahi".

I do agree, though, it's good.

                                   - Neil

Neil Weinstock @ AT&T Bell Labs        //     What was sliced bread
att!edsel!nsw or nsw@edsel.att.com   \X/    the greatest thing since?

chad@cup.portal.com (Chad The-Walrus Netzer) (08/21/90)

In a previous article (Greg Givler) writes:N
)In article <2870@mindlink.UUCP> a186@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:
)>In <5508@uwm.edu>, trantow@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Jerry J Trantow) writes:
)>| Will there be a FredFish optical disk?  (Needs a catchy name)
)>    First off, congratulations Jerry for an excellent idea.
)>    And the contestants are:
)>        Mahi Mahi Disk  (It helps if you say it fast!) *
)I believe that Mahi Mahi is Shark. If have never had fresh shark grilled on
)a open fire you haven't lived. It is really wonderful stuff.

	"Mahi Mahi" is a fish, not a shark.  The English term for it is
"Dolphin Fish" (Which is NOT actually dolphin BTW.  It IS actually a fish...
:-).  There is a "Mako Shark", which is what may have confused you. (At the
moment, I have forgotten what the Hawaiian name for shark is.  Oh well.)

	I grew up in Hawaii, and have fished with my father (an avid deep-sea
fisherman) many times.  I agree with your statement about grilled shark.
Smoked Marlin is another favorite.

	And the Fish CD collection should be called: "The Fish Tank!"
Chad Netzer       chad@cup.portal.com

jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu (Jim Wright) (08/21/90)

a186@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:
|        Mahi Mahi Disk  (It helps if you say it fast!) *
|    * PS.
|    I don't get this. Is this Hawaiian humour or something?


Jim Wright
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp.

jklopcic@ibd.BRL.MIL (J. Thaddeus Klopcic) (08/22/90)

	Has anyone suggested AquariROM ?

sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) (08/22/90)

givler@cbmvax.commodore.com (Greg Givler - Product Assurance) writes:

>I believe that Mahi Mahi is Shark. If have never had fresh shark grilled on
>a open fire you haven't lived. It is really wonderful stuff.

Mahi Mahi is Dolphin (the fish one, not the mammal)

John Sparks         |D.I.S.K. Public Access Unix System| Multi-User Games, Email
sparks@corpane.UUCP |PH: (502) 968-DISK 24Hrs/2400BPS  | Usenet, Chatting,
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|7 line Multi-User system.         | Downloads & more.
A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of----Ogden Nash