[comp.sys.amiga] Macintosh emulation

news@ncar.ucar.edu (USENET Maintenance) (08/24/90)


I'm interested in Mac emulators.  I've heard that a new version of AMAX
is due out soon.  Can someone give me a description of the product and
new features?  Can someone give me the phone number to Ready-Soft (who
manufactures AMAX)?  

Can Mac software be loaded from the Amiga floppy to an Amiga hard disk
and run from the hard disk?

Are there Mac emulators available other than AMAX?

-Leonard E. Sitongia    System Manager		 (303) 497-1509
USPS Mail: High Altitude Observatory P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO  80307
Internet:               sitongia@ncar.ucar.edu
SPAN:			NSFGW::"ncar.ucar.edu!sitongia"	[NSFGW=9580]