[comp.sys.amiga] Palomax??

tjhayko@THUNDER.LAKEHEADU.CA (08/24/90)

I've heard a few people talking about building a  Palomax  board.
I know that it is a was of interfacing IBM hard drive controllers
to an Amiga.  My question is, does the price include a  controll-
er?   Does the Palomax board require any customized code writing,
or does it have drivers that can be modified to  work  with  most
IBM  controllers?  Finally, is this really any cheaper than a de-
cent SCSI controller?

* Tom Hayko                    * only the Amiga      /// *
* tjhayko@thunder.lakeheadu.ca * (if only Commodore ///  *
*                              *   knew that)   \\\///   *
*                              *                 \XX/    *


flash@jtids.UUCP (Lindsay Markus ) (08/28/90)

From article <9008231936.AA23498@thunder.LakeheadU.Ca>, by tjhayko@THUNDER.LAKEHEADU.CA:
> I've heard a few people talking about building a  Palomax  board.
> I know that it is a was of interfacing IBM hard drive controllers
> to an Amiga.  My question is, does the price include a  controll-
> er?  
> Does the Palomax board require any customized code writing,
> or does it have drivers that can be modified to  work  with  most
> IBM  controllers? 

  No.  The price includes a manual, an interface board, complete software
drivers that are extremely flexible (RLL, MFM, ESDI, many different
controllers and drives), low level hard disk utility program, a backup
program, and a utility program.

> Finally, is this really any cheaper than a decent SCSI controller?

  For the A1000/A500 yes.  For the A2000/A3000 no.  For the A2000 if you
already have a controller and hard drive laying around (from a IBM ick) yes.
For the non-commercially minded the following is a copy of the -MAX- flyer.

Lindsay Markus

                                  - MAX - 125
                            Autoboot Adapter Board
                   for all Commodore  AMIGA  computer systems
       Palomax, Inc., 424 Moreboro Rd., Hatboro, PA 19040   215-672-6815

The - MAX - 125 Autoboot Interface Adapter allows you to connect IBM 
compatible hard disk controllers and drives to ALL AMIGA computer systems.

** Works with many 8 and 16 bit XT and AT, ST506/412 & ESDI controllers and
virtually all hard drives of these interface types.

** A2000 version takes only one slot position to handle two controllers when
inserted in the rightmost expansion slot and can be configured as a HardCard
with optional mounting bracket.  Passes the bus for the A500 and A1000.

** Priority selectable booting/mounting of up to four controller boards for
a total of eight hard drives.  Controller types and drive sizes can be

** Compatible with A500/A1000/A2000/A3000, and most CPU coprocessor boards.
Supports all ECS display modes and A3000 cache and burst modes.  Can coexist
with other manufacturers' autobooting controllers.  Fully compatible with
the FastFileSystem and AmigaDOS V1.3 and V2.0.

** Disk data transfer is done with multi-sector (up to 256) blocks at a time
through programmed I/O.  A write-thru track buffer with selectable read
threshold sensing greatly speeds up short file transfers.  Transfer rates
clocked to over 567kb/sec write, 768kb/sec read with 030 CPU. (Faster than
most other hard disk systems).  Supports software & hardware bad track

** - MAX - 125  boards are assembled & tested and have a 1 year warranty.
Some assembly and soldering is required.  Specify computer model when

- MAX - 125-A2-1 (A2000), -A3-1 (A3000) for 1 controller:  $149.95.

For A1000 & A500 :  Horizontal:        A1000 , A500   Vertical:
                 (1) -H1              (1) -V1-1/-V5-1 (2)  
                 (2) -H2              (2) -V1-2/-V5-2 (3)  
                 (3) -H3              (3) -V1-3/-V5-3 (4)  
                 (4) -H4              (4) -V1-4/-V5-4 (5)  

                               Shipping weight 3 lb,
                          S&H $6.00 UPS Ground, 48 States.
                                  COD: add $3.30.
                          P.O Box, other shipping methods,
                          other destinations:  please call.

Multiple controller blocks, hardcard bracket, bus blocks also available

Please specify FULL part number when ordering (ie. "- MAX - 125-V5-2").
Send Cashiers Check or Money Order (NO personal checks please).
PA residents add 6% state sales tax.  Delivery from stock to 6 weeks.
Foreign: Money order payable in US funds ONLY,

"- MAX -" and "- MAX - 125"  are a trademarks of Palomax, Inc..
AMIGA is a registered trademark.  A500, A1000, A2000, A3000, AmigaDOS,
Autoboot, FastFileSystem and Workbench are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
Commodore and CBM are registered trademarks of Commodore Electronics Limited.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.