[comp.sys.amiga] Question on FFS on Floppy Drives on A3000.

sutherla@qtp.ufl.edu (Scott Sutherland) (08/24/90)

	I have seen a couple of postings to this group stating how
to format a floppy disk under the fast file system (FFS) on an
A3000.  Can anyone tell me where in the manuals that come with the
A3000 I can find this information?  Also, has anyone done performance
tests on floppy read/write speeds with and without the FFS?  Could 
you either email the results to me or post them?  Just curious.

BTW, if I have a FFS formatted floppy and I take it to an A2000, can
it be read?  


Scott Sutherland

new@ee.udel.edu (Darren New) (08/24/90)

In article <1122@orange9.qtp.ufl.edu> sutherla@qtp.ufl.edu (Scott Sutherland) writes:
>BTW, if I have a FFS formatted floppy and I take it to an A2000, can
>it be read?  

On a side note, is the "extra" sixteen (or whatever) words that the
trackdisk.device supports being used for extra integrity checks
on FFS floppies?  Or are they still just sort of "there"?
	 -- Darren
--- Darren New --- Grad Student --- CIS --- Univ. of Delaware ---

skank@du248-09.cc.iastate.edu (Skank George L) (08/25/90)

In article <1122@orange9.qtp.ufl.edu> sutherla@qtp.ufl.edu (Scott Sutherland) writes:
>	I have seen a couple of postings to this group stating how
>to format a floppy disk under the fast file system (FFS) on an
>A3000.  Can anyone tell me where in the manuals that come with the
>A3000 I can find this information?
>BTW, if I have a FFS formatted floppy and I take it to an A2000, can
>it be read?  

     Unless I'm seriously mistaken FFS is the default file system on the A3000,
in which case complete instructions are given on pages 1-36 through 1-38 of the
Using System Software manual.  Disks formatted under FFS may NOT be used on an
A2000 or A500 until the 2.0 upgrade is available for those machines.  To my
knowledge this information is not printed in the manual (I haven't finished
reading it though), however, I think I saw it on one or the enclosed erata


yarnall@usceast.UUCP (Ken Yarnall) (08/26/90)

In article <1990Aug25.064001.25017@fs-1.iastate.edu> skank@iastate.edu (Skank George L) writes:
+In article <1122@orange9.qtp.ufl.edu> sutherla@qtp.ufl.edu (Scott Sutherland) writes:
+>	I have seen a couple of postings to this group stating how
+>to format a floppy disk under the fast file system (FFS) on an
+>A3000.  Can anyone tell me where in the manuals that come with the
+>A3000 I can find this information?
+>BTW, if I have a FFS formatted floppy and I take it to an A2000, can
+>it be read?  
+     Unless I'm seriously mistaken FFS is the default file system on the A3000,
+in which case complete instructions are given on pages 1-36 through 1-38 of the
+Using System Software manual.  Disks formatted under FFS may NOT be used on an
+A2000 or A500 until the 2.0 upgrade is available for those machines.  To my
+knowledge this information is not printed in the manual (I haven't finished
+reading it though), however, I think I saw it on one or the enclosed erata

Hmmmmm.  That's pretty interesting, since I've been using FFS formated
floppies on my 2500 since I got it.  Just need an appropriate mountlist entry
for a new device, say called ff0:, that implements the FFS.  If you want to
be slick, you can use a program like AutoDiskChange, that alerts the OS when
you pop the FFS floppy out.

+                                          George

         Ken Yarnall                 ///   yarnall@cs.scarolina.EDU
          Math Department, USC   \\\///   yarnall@ucseast.UUCP
           Columbia, S.C. 29208   \\\/   (803)777-6686
      I want a T-shirt with a cow on it saying "Don't have a Bart, man."

donb@bushido.uucp (Donald Burnett) (08/27/90)

In article <1122@orange9.qtp.ufl.edu> sutherla@qtp.ufl.edu (Scott Sutherland) writes:
>	I have seen a couple of postings to this group stating how
>to format a floppy disk under the fast file system (FFS) on an
>A3000.  Can anyone tell me where in the manuals that come with the
>A3000 I can find this information?  Also, has anyone done performance
>tests on floppy read/write speeds with and without the FFS?  Could 
>you either email the results to me or post them?  Just curious.
>BTW, if I have a FFS formatted floppy and I take it to an A2000, can
>it be read?  
>Scott Sutherland

This is a really simple question to answer. Just do the following:

Note: This FFS floppy can be used fine on any 2.0 equipped machine, but
because the format is incompatible with the previous floppies it was 
left as an OPTIONAL switch. No more MOUNTing of FILESYSTEMS either.
My only question of concern is, is the FASTFILESYSTEM really that much
faster than the standard OFS amiga filesystem being used? I didn't time
anything when using the A3000 and trying this however but from normal 
disk access with that option, I didn't find it any faster.. Can anyone
with technical expertise on filing systems comment on this?? Is there
really any noticeable differences, with lower density/capacity drives?

*****                                                                    *****
*****                                                                    *****
*****                                                                    *****
***** donb@bushido.uucp                                                  *****
***** My opinions are my own, and no one else's                          *****
***** Standard disclaimer                                                *****
***** Organizational Affiliations:                                       *****

sysop@tlvx.UUCP (SysOp) (08/29/90)

In article <1990Aug25.064001.25017@fs-1.iastate.edu>, skank@du248-09.cc.iastate.edu (Skank George L) writes:
> In article <1122@orange9.qtp.ufl.edu> sutherla@qtp.ufl.edu (Scott Sutherland) writes:
> >
> >BTW, if I have a FFS formatted floppy and I take it to an A2000, can
> >it be read?  

Not without a little extra work....  but it CAN.. (read on)

>      Unless I'm seriously mistaken FFS is the default file system on the A3000,
> in which case complete instructions are given on pages 1-36 through 1-38 of the
> Using System Software manual.  Disks formatted under FFS may NOT be used on an
> A2000 or A500 until the 2.0 upgrade is available for those machines.  To my
> knowledge this information is not printed in the manual (I haven't finished
> reading it though), however, I think I saw it on one or the enclosed erata
> sheets.
>                                           George

Actually, I use FFS formatted disks (sometimes) on my A1000.  I don't use it
all the time because I occasionally want to use disks on other people's
machines.  Anyway, I have an archive of files which has docs on how to
set up your system, and a program called "autodiskchange" which runs in
the background and does a diskchange on the FFS drive when it senses a
disk change.  The main thing, I think, is the mountlist entry which uses
the l:FastFileSystem.  (In other words, it's mostly there with DOS 1.3.)

To format disks on this setup, I format FF0:, and have to add the FFS
parameter.  So, I've been using this for, like, a year or so (or more?).  :-)
(I posted about this a few months ago, FYI.)

The file I have is marked freely redistributable, if anyone needs it.  (Mail
is crazy out of here, so don't be surprised if I can't get it to you. :-(  )
Gary Wolfe, SYSOP of the Temporal Vortex BBS                        // Amiga!
..uflorida!unf7!tlvx!sysop, ..unf7!tlvx!sysop@bikini.cis.ufl.edu  \X/  Yeah!