robertj@tektronix.UUCP (Robert Jaquiss) (10/16/83)
If you are an inventor or contemplating becoming one there is an organization that will be of interest to you. IIIIIInnnnnnvvvvvveeeeeennnnnnttttttoooooorrrrrrssssss WWWWWWoooooorrrrrrkkkkkksssssshhhhhhoooooopppppp IIIIIInnnnnntttttteeeeeerrrrrrnnnnnnaaaaaattttttiiiiiioooooonnnnnn is a group of inventors who pool there talents to help each other. They will help you take your idea and show you how to protect, patent, build, research the market and help with manufacturing contracts. The main headquarters of IIIIIIWWWWWWIIIIII can be reach at (805)-642-7557. For those of you living in the Pacific Northwest you can call Larry Campbell at (503)-642-4122. IIIIIIWWWWWWIIIIII is a nonproffit organization. Robert Jaquiss ucbvax!tektronix!robertj (uucp) robert jaquiss@tektronix (csnet) robert jaquiss.tektronix@rand-relay (arpanet) (503) 627-6346 (audio phone at work)