[comp.sys.amiga] Mouse/Light Pen/Easyl

34HLEFG@CMUVM.BITNET (Mark Strandskov) (09/05/90)

A friend of my is looking for a better mouse.  Specifically, he wants
to be able to trace an existing printed drawing.  Drawing object
freehand with the Amiga mouse is not the easiest thing to do.  I
suggested the Easyl and he considered it but he wants to know if there
is a cheaper solution.  Even a mouse with cross-hairs would be
an acceptable solution for him.  Does anyone have any good suggestions?

Please reply directly to me and I will summarize to the list if there
are enough responses.  It is hard for me to keep up with all the mail
on this list as well as the others which I try to read.


Mark Strandskov
Central Michigan University

jea@prodigal.psych.rochester.edu (Joanne Albano) (09/06/90)

This is a follow up to the person who requested information
about drawing tools on the amiga. Seems that there are
about 3 models of input devices: the Easyl, another high end
pad I forgot the name, and the Kurta pads. The light pen is
another possible choice although I would like to hear from
someone that uses it. The Easyl hooks on the bus I believe
and therefore is specific to the type of AMIGA you have.
If you have an A1000 with lots of stuff hanging off the side
I guessed there might be problems with this arrangement.

I have just started using a model of the Kurta pad and it has
a cordless drawing puck (mouse with a cross-hair) that draws
in absolute cordinates for tracing. It is small and compact and
attaches to the serial port. I like this idea a lot because it
makes the pad non specific to the machine model. It also leaves
my bus free. The puck is light and I have adapted easily to it
rather and a pen type arrangement. I like being able to go
back and forth between the mouse and the puck in Magnify mode
when absolute position is irrelevant and one is touching up

Come on people lets talk more about what we are doing with
the machine rather than what we wish we could do with it
if only we had this other widget.
