[comp.sys.amiga] DECUS TeX tapes

Glenn Everhart 215 354 7610 Everhart@arisia.dnet.ge.com, (09/12/90)

The DECUS TeX tape was just released by Ted Nieland, who is an
Amiga user himself. Ted and I interchange software, and the Amiga
PD TeX material is indeed partly from xanth. I just sent Ted a list of
the contacts I use to send the VAX, L&T and RSX tapes to Europe, Canada
and Australia at his request, so I assume that the complete collection
will be arriving in those areas quite soon. Once the main distributors
there get it, it's up to those on the respective trees there to make sure
the distribution goes further.
   I did advise Ted that there was a (commercial) TeX for Amiga, which
he uses, when he was considering what machine to buy. His uucp address
is his home amiga.
   The foregoing was in response to a query in comp.sys.amiga.
   By the way, the RSX librarian in Australia is Paul Rapacholi; the VAX
librarian is Geoff Huston (yes, same guy who wrote ANU NEWS).
Glenn Everhart
Everhart@Arisia.dnet.ge.com    (who needs long signatures anyhow???)