[comp.sys.amiga] Where can I buy Replacement Power S

jhc00614@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (09/02/90)

     I suggest NOT getting a more powerful power supply so you can power 
external peripherals like hard drives.  The Amiga's internal components
can only handle so much power.  Depending on what power supply you get,
you may well overload the lines leading to external peripherals.
     You should get a separate device for external peripherals.  For my 
Trumpcard 500, I purchased power supply w/ fan (60 watts) that holds space
for 2 - 1/2 height 5 1/4 inch drives.  (Since then, I have purchased another
hard drive and chained it to the Trumpcard).
     It works very well, w/ no wear'n'tear worries.

jdickson@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Jeff Dickson) (09/14/90)

Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga
Subject: Re: Where can I buy Replacement Power S
References: <152522@<1990Aug30> <46200117@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
Reply-To: jdickson@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Jeff Dickson)
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

In article 67490 jhc00614@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu writes:

     I suggest NOT getting a more powerful power supply so you can power 
external peripherals like hard drives.  The Amiga's internal components
can only handle so much power.  Depending on what power supply you get,
you may well overload the lines leading to external peripherals.
     You should get a separate device for external peripherals.  For my 
Trumpcard 500, I purchased power supply w/ fan (60 watts) that holds space
for 2 - 1/2 height 5 1/4 inch drives.  (Since then, I have purchased another
hard drive and chained it to the Trumpcard).
     It works very well, w/ no wear'n'tear worries.


	The "overloading" factor only becomes an issue if the external
peripherals current draw exceeds that of the power lines leading to them. 
It makes no difference about how much power the Amiga's internal comp-
onents can handle. They're not going to consume more power (current) 
just because more is available.

			I = E/R
			P = EI

	If your worried about overloading the power lines, just increase
the number of power lines or step up the guage. Also if you choose to go
with a seperate external power supply, make sure that the signal ground
is tied to the Amiga's. All the logic signals are relative to this ground.
Why do you suppose RS232 cables have a signal ground ?
