[comp.sys.amiga] A-Max II information


Here is some more information about A-Max II:

  1) Sound comes out of the left channel only.  I would prefer that the
     mono Mac sound be duplicated on both left and right channels.

  2) Here is a list of hard disk drivers.  Take the name of the driver
     you are currently using, xxx.device, and replace ".device" by ".amhd"
     to locate your driver in the list.

harddisk.amhd               1956 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:33:40
gvpscsi.amhd                1236 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 13:13:21
ivs_scsi.amhd               1736 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:35:31
nexus.amhd                  2344 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:37:36
scsi.amhd                   8360 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:34:02
hddisk.amhd                 8112 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:34:23
DISscsi.amhd                2328 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:37:12
7 files - 64 blocks used

  3) The price I paid was $59.95 + $5 shipping + $5.19 Ontario tax = $70.14
     This is in Canadian dollars.

  4) A-MaxII does not support reading Mac disks in Amiga drives.
     A-MaxII PLUS, which is a hardware upgrade coming later, will allow this.

Bob Fillmore, Systems Software & Communications     BITNET:  FILLMORE@EMRCAN
  Computer Services Centre,                         BIX:     bfillmore
  Energy, Mines, & Resources Canada                 Voice:   (613) 992-2832
  588 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  K1A 0E4   FAX:     (613) 996-2953

jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu (Jim Wright) (09/09/90)

|  2) Here is a list of hard disk drivers.  Take the name of the driver
|     you are currently using, xxx.device, and replace ".device" by ".amhd"
|     to locate your driver in the list.
| harddisk.amhd               1956 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:33:40
| gvpscsi.amhd                1236 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 13:13:21
| ivs_scsi.amhd               1736 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:35:31
| nexus.amhd                  2344 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:37:36
| scsi.amhd                   8360 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:34:02
| hddisk.amhd                 8112 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:34:23
| DISscsi.amhd                2328 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:37:12

Could someone translate this into hardware product names?  I.e. what
hard drives are supported?

Jim Wright
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp.

olson@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Todd Olson) (09/09/90)

In article <jwright.652834011@catfish> jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu (Jim Wright) writes:
>Could someone translate this into hardware product names?  I.e. what
>hard drives are supported?

Sure, here is a partial list:

Controller device driver    A-Max II driver
A2090 hddisk.device         hddisk.amhd    
A2091/A590 scsi.device      scsi.amhd      
GVP scsidev.device          gvpscsi.amhd
IVS Trumpcard		    ivs_scsi.amhd
DISscsi.amhd 		     ???
nexus.amhd 		     ???
hddisk.amhd		     ???

>Jim Wright
>Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp.

"Take your work seriously, but never take yourself seriously and do not take
what happens to either yourself or your work seriously." --Booth Tarkington

billsey@agora.uucp (Bill Seymour) (09/12/90)

In article <9285@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> olson@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Todd Olson) writes:
:In article <jwright.652834011@catfish> jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu (Jim Wright) writes:
:>Could someone translate this into hardware product names?  I.e. what
:>hard drives are supported?
:Sure, here is a partial list:
:Controller device driver    A-Max II driver
:A2090 hddisk.device         hddisk.amhd    
:A2091/A590 scsi.device      scsi.amhd      
:GVP scsidev.device          gvpscsi.amhd
:IVS Trumpcard		    ivs_scsi.amhd
:DISscsi.amhd 		     ???

	DigiFex MPB scsi option. MPB is a Zorro II expansion with one serial,
one parallel (printer only), ane Appletalk and an optional SCSI port.

:nexus.amhd 		     ???

	Nexus is the new stuff from Advanced Storage Solutions. It's a
Zorro II scsi controller with room for four megs of memory in SIMMs.
They're advertising in AmigaWorld as of this month, and they are fast.
They also have some fairly good tape drive software that works well with

:hddisk.amhd		     ???

	Isn't this the same at the 2090 driver at the top?

:>Jim Wright
:>Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corp.
:                       olson@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu
:"Take your work seriously, but never take yourself seriously and do not take
:what happens to either yourself or your work seriously." --Booth Tarkington

     -Bill Seymour             ...tektronix!reed!percival!agora!billsey
Bejed, Inc.       NES, Inc.        Northwest Amiga Group    At Home Sometimes
(503) 281-8153    (503) 246-9311   (503) 656-7393 BBS       (503) 640-0842

Kevin.Mack@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kevin Mack) (09/14/90)

JW> | harddisk.amhd               1956 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:33:40 
JW> | gvpscsi.amhd                1236 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 13:13:21 
JW> | ivs_scsi.amhd               1736 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:35:31 
JW> | nexus.amhd                  2344 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:37:36 
JW> | scsi.amhd                   8360 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:34:02 
JW> | hddisk.amhd                 8112 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:34:23 
JW> | DISscsi.amhd                2328 ----rwed 27-Aug-90 12:37:12 
JW> Could someone translate this into hardware product names?  I.e. what 
JW> hard drives are supported? 
hardisk.amhd is for the Xetec Fasttrack
gvpscsi.amhd is (obviously) for the GVP
ivs_scsi.amhd is for the IVS Trumpcard
scsi.amhd is for Commodore 2091/A590's
hddisk.amhd is for 2090/2090A
I don't know what the other 2 are.

Kevin Mack - via FidoNet node 1:140/22
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