[comp.sys.amiga] Where's Comp.games.amiga?

yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) (09/16/90)

Well I am wondering how to get to be able to read Comp.sys.games.amiga?
ny RN program can't eem to find it.

And what's this about Suscribing to an area?
(No one around my local area knows anything about RN)

Question: (I know this belongs in Games but i can't get there)

What's the Latese version of BattleForce (aka MechForce,BattleMech,)
the computerized FASA boardgame (not by fasa tho)

I AM a registered user but i can't afford to call their BBS
(it's in Florida, i think)

Well Any info is Good Info.
yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu  Willis F York    

hoover@math4.uni-bielefeld.de (Uwe Sch"urkamp) (09/17/90)

Dear Willis,
 if you want to subscribe to an area you must email
but don't you dare do this! I've done exactly that and found the whole
of comp.sys.amiga on my personal account. Talk to your administrator
(if he or she has got enough disk space to waste) to introduce a 
special account for these areas if you don't want to bother flipping
through 1.2megs of mail to look for the ones personally addressed to
you (what I am doing just now).

Someone claimedd that the email that you should sent to the above
email address should be made up of two lines (subject and one body line)
	subscribe comp.sys.amiga
	subscribe comp.sys.amiga.games

depending on the area you want to subscribe to. Anyway, the email I sent
did not contain a single subscribe but I got the whole bunch nonetheless
and am now trying to find a way to get rid of these...and all I wanted was
PD software from the net :-)

Let us know what happened to you then, right?
hoover (Uwe Sch"urkamp)	    	"our obligation is to survive and flourish,
hoover@math4.uni-bielefeld.de   not  just to ourselves, but to that cosmos,
			     	ancient  and  vast, from which we spring."
					          --- Carl Sagan, `Cosmos'

yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) (09/17/90)

well i messed up my suscride request, but i found the area i was looking
for, rn is allways bugging me to add newwgroups but nerver the ones i W

well Cv-ya   Thanx.