[comp.sys.amiga] Wings problem on an A3000

friest%edfvz5.decnet@elmendorf-ac2sman.af.mil (EDFVZ5::FRIEST) (09/14/90)

I've noticed a problem with Wings on my A3000 but haven't seen it on any other
machine.   After playing for a while, the screen darkens, the graphics mess up
with some artifacts left on the screen and it gets jerky.  I'm using an
A3000 25mhz with 4 megs of memory.

If anyone has seen this problem, I'd appreciate you saying so so I know it isn't
a problem with the computer.

mikep@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Mike Powell) (09/15/90)

	I have similar problems with my A3000....
	Althought I thought that the darkening of the screen
	was a simulation of nightfall...  The only scrambling of
	graphics is that the text associated with ratings and
	percentages gets scrambled...  Wings simply doesn't
	work right with '030's I guess...

	Later,   -Mike Powell-

dfrancis@tronsbox.xei.com (Dennis Francis Heffernan) (09/16/90)

	RE Wings trouble on A3000

	Don't have a A3000 (sniff), but I do have a GVP 030 board, and it
gronks along just fine on it.  Doesn't sound like an 030 problem...

dfrancis@tronsbox.xei.com   ...uunet!tronsbox!dfrancis     GEnie: D.HEFFERNAN1
"I don't understand why you make such a big deal out of everything...haven't
you learned; if it's not happenning to me it's not important?" -Murphy Brown

nad@tegra.COM (Nancy Durgin) (09/17/90)

In article <730004@hpmwngf.HP.COM> mikep@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Mike Powell) writes:
>	I have similar problems with my A3000....
>	Althought I thought that the darkening of the screen
>	was a simulation of nightfall...  The only scrambling of
>	graphics is that the text associated with ratings and
>	percentages gets scrambled...  Wings simply doesn't
>	work right with '030's I guess...
>	Later,   -Mike Powell-

WINGS seems to work fine on my A3000.  I've been running it under 1.3, and
have it installed on my hard disk (on my 25Mhz, 4 MB RAM system).

I tried it briefly under 2.0 and it did crash (froze up in a dogfight)
after a while, so I've been running under 1.3 since then.  The only
weirdness I've seen is an occasionaly spurious flash of garbage across
the screen during dogfights.

Oh, I should mention that I haven't customized my 1.3 boot sequence at
all, so it is running just like it came from the factory (no background
programs).  Maybe that's important.  Also, I frequently exit the program
to save/restore my pilot, so perhaps I just haven't played it long enough
to have it crash (but I've certainly gone through 5-6 scenarios in a row
without crashing...).

I wouldn't have bought the game if I hadn't first seen it running on the
A3000 at my dealers, so it isn't just me...


Nancy Durgin          | (Usual disclaimers | Tegra-Varityper, Inc. 
tegra!nad@uunet.com   | apply...)          | Billerica, Massachusetts

bworrell@cmcvx1.claremont.edu (worrell, brandon lee) (09/18/90)

In article <730004@hpmwngf.HP.COM>, mikep@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Mike Powell) writes...
>	I have similar problems with my A3000....
>	Althought I thought that the darkening of the screen
>	was a simulation of nightfall...  The only scrambling of
>	graphics is that the text associated with ratings and
>	percentages gets scrambled...  Wings simply doesn't
>	work right with '030's I guess...
>	Later,   -Mike Powell-

Does it only happen on 030's?  The reason is because on my A500 the same
thing happens, but only if it's on a hard drive.  There aren't any glitches
when I run off floppy, but when I run it off the hard drive I get missing
text and graphic glitches like different color lines running accross the
screen.  By the way, this only happens occasionally and usually a little
while after it has been running......

--Brandon Worrell