[comp.sys.amiga] PD Thesauri

Scott.Maxwell@samba.acs.unc.edu (BBS Account) (09/28/90)

     I'll be getting Pen Pal soon (after I get my Amiga 3000 -- thank God
and Commodore for educational discounts), but it lacks only one feature
I need: a thesaurus. Is there a freely redistributable thesaurus for the
Amiga (perhaps something like 'ISpell')?

     P.S. Attention, all ye folks at Commodore who read this group: I, uh,
don't suppose you'll be including a free laser printer with every Amiga
3000 sold from now on ... ;-)

Scott Maxwell (CSMAXWEL@ECUVM!.BITNET or Scott.Maxwell@samba.acs.unc.edu)