[comp.sys.amiga] Another 2.0 idea

caw@miroc.Chi.IL.US (Christopher A. Wichura) (10/11/90)

Not too long ago I picked up MouseOff (by Mike Meyer) which runs under
2.0's commodities handler to provide mouse blanking.  It works pretty well,
except that I have a couple of programs that don't like MouseOff enabled
(M1 Tank Platoon crashes when it tries to blank the mouse and A10 Tank
Killer gets a black image of the mouse frozen in the screen, for example).
Thus, to use these programs I have to disable MouseOff.  Well, you know how
it goes, every once in a while one forgets and then you do the bitch and
moan as the machine reboots.  So I got to thinking, it would be cool if
Commodities Exchange had an ARexx port in it (or does it already, and I
just haven't found it?).  That way I could write nice little ARexx scripts
to start these programs that disable MouseOff for me and then turn it back
on when I am done playing.  I am sure there are some other cool toys that
could be created if Commodities Exchange had an ARexx port.

So what do you folks think?

-=> CAW

Christopher A. Wichura               |Real programmers don't play tennis, or
caw@miroc.chi.il.us  (my amiga)      |any other sport that requires you to
u12401@uicvm.uic.edu (school account)|change clothes.  Mountain climbing is
                                     |OK, and real programmers wear their
Please! Do not send mail to my school|climbing boots to work in case a
account unless mail to miroc bounces.|mountain should suddenly spring up in
I often do not check uicvm.uic.edu   |the middle of the machine room.
for periods in excess of a week.     |                        --Unix Fortune