[comp.sys.amiga] Geneology

Steven.Ayscue@samba.acs.unc.edu (Steven Ayscue) (10/11/90)

u may wish to have a look at the Geneology software on the
Amiga. A friend recently purchased "Your Family Tree" for
the Amiga which was recently (Like just this month) upgraded
to version 2.0. One super thing is that you can have a list 
of pictures, one list for each individual's record and also
a list for each family group; the picture lists can be duplicate
for the individual and family as only the one picture is stored.
It also has note files for individuals and families, however
only one note per individual and one per family... no limitation
on size however. It is a very stable program. If you have any
specific questions about the software, I can check up on them.
The mail-order price from Safe Harbor is ~$49.
