[comp.sys.amiga] CBM Tech. Support question

jet@karazm.math.uh.edu (J. Eric Townsend) (10/11/90)

(I thought about putting "DAVE HAYNIE, READ THIS!" in the subject,
but I decided not to.:-)

I have a Hitachi digitizing table. (I think it's a Summagraphics clone.)
Does anyone at CBM Tech. Support have information regarding drivers
for this device (either to physically replace the mouse, or to use
instead of the mouse with certain applications), or software that can
use this device?

J. Eric Townsend     Internet: jet@uh.edu    Bitnet: jet@UHOU
Systems Manager - University of Houston Dept. of Mathematics - (713) 749-2120
EastEnders list: eastender@karazm.math.uh.edu
Skate UNIX(r)