[comp.sys.amiga] MANX 5.0d update, How much $$$??

stefanb@cip-s02.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (Stefan Becker) (10/02/90)

How much does the upgrade from 5.0c to 5.0d cost?


Mail  : Stefan Becker, Holsteinstrasse 9, W-5100 Aachen  ///    Only
Phone : +49-241-505705   FIDO: 2:242/7.6    Germany     ///  Amiga makes
Domain: stefanb@cip-s02.informatik.rwth-aachen.de   \\\///  it possible..
Bang  : ..mcvax!unido!rwthinf!cip-s02!stefanb        \XX/  -->A3000/25<--

a665@mindlink.UUCP (Anthon Pang) (10/02/90)

dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu writes:
> [...] but here in the US,
> the upgrade from 5.0x to 5.0d1 is $10 plus $5 shipping and handling. This
> includes the 2.0 includes, etc.  (three disks).  Compare to $75 for the
> latest
> Lattice update.  5.0d1 seems really tight.  See my previous posting of
> the announcement and read.me file.

Hehehe...I called Manx Intl Sales this morning, and she (Meg Foster?) said that
the upgrade was $10 (includes shipping) IF you are already at 5.0c...which I
was--ie $5 off.  She started to tell me about everything included, but since it
was "my quarter" I told her I had already heard on Usenet.  She said
"what?"...hehehe.  :)

dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) (10/02/90)

In article <stefanb.654819152@cip-s02> stefanb@cip-s02.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (Stefan Becker) writes:
>How much does the upgrade from 5.0c to 5.0d cost?
>	Stefan
>Mail  : Stefan Becker, Holsteinstrasse 9, W-5100 Aachen  ///    Only

I don't know what it would cost for shipping to Germany, but here in the US,
the upgrade from 5.0x to 5.0d1 is $10 plus $5 shipping and handling.  This
includes the 2.0 includes, etc.  (three disks).  Compare to $75 for the latest
Lattice update.  5.0d1 seems really tight.  See my previous posting of
the announcement and read.me file.

-Dale Larson  (dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu)

stelmack@screamer.csee.usf.edu (Gregory M. Stelmack) (10/03/90)

In article <8457@milton.u.washington.edu> dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) writes:
>I don't know what it would cost for shipping to Germany, but here in the US,
>the upgrade from 5.0x to 5.0d1 is $10 plus $5 shipping and handling.  This
>includes the 2.0 includes, etc.  (three disks).  Compare to $75 for the latest
>Lattice update.  5.0d1 seems really tight.  See my previous posting of
>the announcement and read.me file.

EXCUSE ME??? $75 for Lattice update??? I paid $40 for my upgrade from 5.04 to
5.10, and this is nothing for total workbench support / 2.0 compatible
product. That's about half (well, 53.33333%) of what you claim. Let's at least
get prices right if we're going to compare Lattice & Manx...

-- Greg Stelmack
-- Email: stelmack@sol.csee.usf.edu
-- USmail: USF Box 1510, Tampa, FL 33620-1510
-- Amiga: the only way to compute!

jmeissen@oregon.oacis.org ( Staff OACIS) (10/04/90)

In article <8457@milton.u.washington.edu> dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) writes:
>In article <stefanb.654819152@cip-s02> stefanb@cip-s02.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (Stefan Becker) writes:
>I don't know what it would cost for shipping to Germany, but here in the US,
>the upgrade from 5.0x to 5.0d1 is $10 plus $5 shipping and handling.  This
>includes the 2.0 includes, etc.  (three disks).  Compare to $75 for the latest
>Lattice update.

I don't know where you get the $75 figure from. To upgrade from the previous
version to V5.10 of SAS/C (Lattice) is $40. And I believe that includes UPS
ground shipping.

$15 for a minor version change & 3 disks vs $40 for a major version change 
& 6 disks....

John Meissen .............................. Oregon Advanced Computing Institute
jmeissen@oacis.org        (Internet) | "That's the remarkable thing about life;
..!sequent!oacis!jmeissen (UUCP)     |  things are never so bad that they can't
jmeissen                  (BIX)      |  get worse." - Calvin & Hobbes

dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) (10/04/90)

In article <66@screamer.csee.usf.edu> stelmack@screamer.csee.usf.edu (Gregory M. Stelmack) writes:
>In article <8457@milton.u.washington.edu> I write:
>>the upgrade from 5.0x to 5.0d1 is $10 plus $5 shipping and handling.  This
>>includes the 2.0 includes, etc.  (three disks).  Compare to $75 for...
>>Lattice update.
>EXCUSE ME??? $75 for Lattice update??? I paid $40 for my upgrade from 5.04 to
>5.10, and this is nothing for total workbench support / 2.0 compatible

Sorry, I apparently have both prices wrong.  For lattice I was going by memory
of several earlier postings from lattice users complaing that the upgrade 
wasn't free.  For Manx, they will apparently give you 5.0d1 for $10 rather
than $15 total if you already have 5.0b or c.
Again, my appologies for this erroneous information.
-Dale Larson  (dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu)

mwm@raven.pa.dec.com (Mike (My Watch Has Windows) Meyer) (10/05/90)

In article <8587@milton.u.washington.edu> dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) writes:

   Sorry, I apparently have both prices wrong.  For lattice I was going by memory
   of several earlier postings from lattice users complaing that the upgrade 
   wasn't free.  For Manx, they will apparently give you 5.0d1 for $10 rather
   than $15 total if you already have 5.0b or c.
   Again, my appologies for this erroneous information.

It's worse than you think - the 5.0d upgrade is primarily a "bug fix"
upgrade. In Lattice terms, this would be from 5.0x to 5.02 or 5.04.
Those were distributed free to registered Lattice owners (I got mine,
anyway). Interim bug fix releases (5.01, 5.03 & 5.05) were available
at the same price if you called and asked for them, or you could
download them from the Lattice BBS.

5.10 is a major upgrade, including 2.0 support, the ability to compile
from the workbench, the beginnings of an integrated (via ARexx)
environment, as well as the usual minor improvements one takes for
granted. Lattice wanted $40 to upgrade from any previous version of
5.0x. The reason people complained is because they were getting
charged for it at all, when they were used to getting or expected free
upgrades.  They probably would have complained (only not quite as
loudly) if the charge had been the $10 that Manx is charging. That
this was the first release after compiler support moved from Lattice
to SAS just added to the confusion.

He was your reason for living				Mike Meyer
So you once said					mwm@relay.pa.dec.com
Now your reason for living				decwrl!mwm
Has left you half dead

dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) (10/05/90)

In article <4@oregon.oacis.org> jmeissen@oregon.oacis.org (Staff OACIS) writes:
>I don't know where you get the $75 figure from. To upgrade from the previous
>version to V5.10 of SAS/C (Lattice) is $40. And I believe that includes UPS
>ground shipping.
>$15 for a minor version change & 3 disks vs $40 for a major version change 
>& 6 disks....

Please see my later article in which I appologize for getting the price wrong.

Also please note that the 3 Manx disks are compressed (zoo).  If you read
my earlier article anouncing the release of Manx5.0d, you will see that
they've done quite a bit, though most of it is fixes for 2.0.  Manx choose
not to bump a major revision for bug fixes, 2.0 compatibility fixes and
2.0 includes.  Lattice did choose to call 5.1 a major revision.  Did they
add anything very significant other than 2.0 support?  Unless they did, then
it's just a case of what one considers major.  Certainly how the compiler
makers choose to number their releases shouldn't sway someone comparing 
the two!  

Boy is it hard to give unbiased info about products one has made purchase
decisions for.  Still, I try...
-Dale Larson  (dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu)

kelso@mimsy.umd.edu (Stephen Kelley) (10/05/90)

In article <8598@milton.u.washington.edu>, dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) writes:
> In article <4@oregon.oacis.org> jmeissen@oregon.oacis.org (Staff OACIS) writes:
> >I don't know where you get the $75 figure from. To upgrade from the previous
> >version to V5.10 of SAS/C (Lattice) is $40. And I believe that includes UPS
> >ground shipping.
> >$15 for a minor version change & 3 disks vs $40 for a major version change 
> >& 6 disks....

> Please see my later article in which I appologize for getting the price wrong.

Well, I don't know where the $15 or even $10 figures came from, but I got
a 5.0a -> 5.0d upgrade for just $5. 

> Also please note that the 3 Manx disks are compressed (zoo).  If you read

Yeah, it's a slightly odd setup. It comes w/ zoo-2.0 and it's docs
(as opposed to zoo 2.*2* on abcd, acdb or whatever the new "XANTH(ippe)"
is named (;-} ) and just the files changed since 5.0 are included.

Oh, btw, (sigh) I did get a corrputed zoo archive for the asm includes.
Anyone else get this??? (Shutup you lattice/lettuce lovers!)

Anyway, it's finally starting to "feel" like a real compiler. I've
been able to compile some rather hairy UNIX/dbms code w/ nested includes
and 100's of #defs & #ifdefs etc.

Enjoy! There are still 2, TWO, TOO (count 'em) compilers for AMY!
Apologies to Matt D., I haven't played w/ dice yet, but need 2.0
and float pt. capability.

bcphyagi@Twg-S5.uucp (Stephen Walton) (10/12/90)

In article <MWM.90Oct4133754@raven.pa.dec.com> mwm@raven.pa.dec.com
(Mike (My Watch Has Windows) Meyer) writes:
>It's worse than you think - the 5.0d upgrade is primarily a "bug fix"
>upgrade. In Lattice terms, this would be from 5.0x to 5.02 or 5.04.

True enough.

>Those were distributed free to registered Lattice owners (I got mine,
>anyway). Interim bug fix releases (5.01, 5.03 & 5.05) were available
>at the same price if you called and asked for them, or you could
>download them from the Lattice BBS.

The 5.0d upgrade, except for the CBM 2.0 includes, is also free for
the downloading from both BIX and the Aztec BBS.  Aztec can't post
the 2.0 includes, hence the disk-based upgrade option.  It should
also be pointed out that the 5.0b and 5.0d upgrades were a complete
set of new executables-no patches to apply.

>5.10 is a major upgrade, including 2.0 support, the ability to compile
>from the workbench, the beginnings of an integrated (via ARexx)

I'm not sure what "2.0 support" means in terms of a compiler.  5.0d has
the 2.0 includes and pragmas.  No workbench compilation from Manx yet.
ARexx support for an integrated environment was part of the 3.6->5.0
upgrade;  I have a little macro package which uses TxEd+ for this.

Summary:  If you currently have either Lattice or Manx, there is no
overriding reason to switch to the other compiler.  If you have none
yet, there is no reason on the basis of customer support or upgrade
availability to prefer one to the other, either.  IM not-so-HO of course.
Stephen R. Walton, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Cal State Northridge
I am srw@csun.edu no matter WHAT the stupid From: line says!