[comp.sys.amiga] Reply to message about unstable multitasking -- email bounced

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (10/21/90)

To: rkl@anduin.cs.liverpool.ac.uk

	I sent this email but it bounced, so I'm posting it here.

	A comment on the fact that the Amiga's multitasking is
'unstable'. You might want to use a better phrasing. There is
nothing inherently unstable about the Amiga's multitasking. It is
only bugs in software that causes it, not the OS itself as was
implied, or as it sounded.
	Now, I know that protected environments are quite nice,
but it is also quite slow, at least in most applications of it.
It also requires an MMU. It would also take a lot of effort on
CBM's part that I'd rather they spend elsewhere. All a matter of
personal preference. You can get GOMF. Also, not EVERY crash
causes the system to come down. Many can be ignored, although you
lose the memory.
	-- Ethan

Ethan Solomita: es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu

free (SovietUnion);
IndependentRepublics += 15;