[comp.sys.amiga] Amiga 3000 Onwers! Kickstart v36.207 now Available!

manes@vger.nsu.edu (10/24/90)

Amiga 3000 owners!
Contact your Amiga dealer.  Commodore has just shipped a update to
Kickstart.  The new version is Kickstart v36.207.  It fixes numerous
bugs and improves compatibility with software.

There were no specifics mentioned as to what is fixed, or what software
now runs that did not before.

 +--------+   ==================================================          
 | \/     |   Mark D. Manes                    "Mr. AmigaVision" 
 | /\  \/ |   manes@vger.nsu.edu                                        
 |     /  |   (804) 683-2532    "Make up your own mind! - AMIGA"
 +--------+   ==================================================