[comp.sys.amiga] kickreboot/Wings questions

robert@alliant.backbone.uoknor.edu (Robert Lindsay) (10/30/90)

Hi all. Just 2 questions this time:

1. I put in 4 megs of SCRAM in my 3000 (yea!) I've noticed one strange thing
when I use the kickreboot hack that switches from 2.0/1.3 the screen cycles
grey -> yellow -> grey until I do a ctrl-A-A at which point if I hold the mouse
buttons down I get the 1.3/2.0 screen. Has anybody  else had this happen? Any
Idea what it could be?

2. Wings (nice game) crashes after playing for awhile under 2.02 should it work?
(works fine under 1.3 though, even returns cleanly to Workbench)

robert lindsay