[comp.sys.amiga] Fish disks to 390

parker@cs.wvu.wvnet.edu (James Parker) (11/08/90)

Hey net!!!  The FredFish disks to 390 have been put on    (ux1.cso.uiuc.edu)!!!  ;-)

A big thanks to everybody involved.  (And you know who
you are.)

 James Parker   (parker@a.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu)   
   WVU ComputerScience        |   It is almost impossible to make anything
    Graphic & Computation     |   foolproof these days, because fools are
    Lab Coordinator           |   becoming so damn clever!

ianr@mullian.ee.mu.oz.au (Ian ROWLANDS) (11/08/90)

In article <975@h.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu> parker@cs.wvu.wvnet.edu (James Parker) writes:
>Hey net!!!  The FredFish disks to 390 have been put on
>    (ux1.cso.uiuc.edu)!!!  ;-)

	WHat? No disk 400 up there yet? :-)
>A big thanks to everybody involved.  (And you know who
>you are.)

	I think the whole group owes the people running this archive a huge
thanks. We should be grateful for what they have done ( I only wish I could
remember their names!). Some people start to bitch and moan when the disks
get ahead of what's there. From experience, you only notice FTP when you lose
access for a period (which is what will be happening to me soon). Be thankful
somebody spends the time to do it - I doubt I would put in that amount of time
and effort, not to mention the cost (these people PAY for their subscription 
out of their own pockets).

	Again, to the archives - THANKS!


Ian Rowlands                     | Uni : ianr@mullian.ee.mu.oz.au 
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, |   OR ..!uunet!munnari!mullian!ianr
 (including Computer Science)    | Home : ianr@gpark.pub.uu.oz.au 
University of Melbourne          |   OR ianr%gpark.pub.uu.oz.au@munnari.oz.au 

joseph@valnet.UUCP (Joseph P. Hillenburg) (11/09/90)

parker@cs.wvu.wvnet.edu (James Parker) writes:

> Hey net!!!  The FredFish disks to 390 have been put on
>    (ux1.cso.uiuc.edu)!!!  ;-)
> A big thanks to everybody involved.  (And you know who
> you are.)
Ok. So now what do we do about 391-400?
> --
>  James Parker   (parker@a.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu)   
>    WVU ComputerScience        |   It is almost impossible to make anything
>     Graphic & Computation     |   foolproof these days, because fools are
>     Lab Coordinator           |   becoming so damn clever!

Joseph Hillenburg, Secretary, Bloomington Amiga Users Group (BAUG)
joseph@valnet.UUCP                         ...!iuvax!valnet!joseph
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