[comp.sys.amiga] Request for recommended draw/layout software

new@ee.udel.edu (Darren New) (11/17/90)

I am talking to a company that has a network of Macs. They do paper
advertising and have no intention of moving to video in the near
future. They are considering buying a computer for each of their
artists and since I've mentioned that I prefer Amigas, I was asked to
brag about them (essentially). Some of the people there recognise that
Amigas can be more cost-effective, but I'm not sure this is the case
given the current Mac investment and the nature of their business.  I
would like to give them some guidence on what to look at while
comparison shopping. This company has some *big* accounts, and we are
talking several dozen Amigas with possibly network stuff here.

What I request is that people who have used one or more draw or page
layout programs please let me know which you like best. If you are
pressed for time (aren't we all) just the name/manufacturer would do. I
don't know if their local dealer has a range of these programs
available, so I would like to be able to mention one or two for the
company in question to look at and evaluate.

Prime qualities to consider in addition to the quality of the software
would be interoperability (i.e., conversion of results) with Mac
software and color Postscript output.

Also, does anybody know of software/hardware to make Amigas talk to a
Mac network?  I'm assuming AppleTalk, here, but maybe not.

I don't need recommendations on paint or raytrace software, as I would
probably recommend they check out Imagine or DPaintIII for these
purposes (unless somebody has suggestions of *much* better software).

Also, is there somebody at Commodore that would talk to this company
if there were questions the dealer could not handle satisfactorally?
I recognise that the first line of questions goes to the dealer, but
in my experience, many dealers are clueless. (It *has* been a while since
I worked with Amiga dealers, tho.)

Anyway, to sum up, what are the prefered professional-level DTP and 
structured-srawing software out there?  You can email to new@udel.edu and
I will summarize.   THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!!!       -- Darren

--- Darren New --- Grad Student --- CIS --- Univ. of Delaware ---
----- Network Protocols, Graphics, Programming Languages, 
      Formal Description Techniques (esp. Estelle), Coffee, Amigas -----
              =+=+=+ Let GROPE be an N-tuple where ... +=+=+=

turk@tree.uucp (Rob Turk (1-1-90)) (11/19/90)

In article <36593@nigel.ee.udel.edu>, new@ee.udel.edu (Darren New) writes:
> Also, does anybody know of software/hardware to make Amigas talk to a
> Mac network?  I'm assuming AppleTalk, here, but maybe not.

I think CMI had an AppleTalk board.  The were bought out be DigiFeX, I
think.  I'm not sure if that product is one that was continued after the

> -- 
> --- Darren New --- Grad Student --- CIS --- Univ. of Delaware ---
> ----- Network Protocols, Graphics, Programming Languages, 
>       Formal Description Techniques (esp. Estelle), Coffee, Amigas -----
>               =+=+=+ Let GROPE be an N-tuple where ... +=+=+=