[net.general] 3 new Unix tools you cannot live wit

crane@fortune.UUCP (01/19/84)

fortune!crane    Jan 18 16:49:00 1984

***** fortune:net.general / ucbopal!jak / 10:20 am  Jan 11, 1984
Now in /usr/new on 4.2BSD systems:
	jot - print sequential or random data
	rs  - reshape a data array
	lam - laminate files
Jot prints increasing, decreasing, random, or redundant sequences (bounded or
unbounded) of numbers or characters; eg, it can be used to generate the ASCII
character set, ed(1) commands, a file of length N, the yes(1) command, etc.
Rs by default converts stream output into columns for CRT viewing (eg,
who | rs); otherwise makes an array of a given size (eg, jot 100 | rs 10 10),
and can be used to sort multi-line fields.  Lam is the counterpart of cat, but
for joining files side-by-side; bizarre applications include merging the lines
of N files, and form letters.  The sources are on the 4.2 distribution tape in
the user-contributed software under 'tools'.
	John Kunze