[comp.sys.amiga] DiskPerf

joe@bryans.scc.com (06/30/89)

I was wondering where I may find a copy of DISKPERF (that is if it's public
domain, if not - where may I purchase a copy?) Is this same program available
for the IBM MS-DOS world? (I'm curious to compare speeds between an IBM and
Amiga installed with the same hard drive unit...)


MFM1%LEHIGH.BITNET@ibm1.cc.lehigh.edu (mark masters) (07/26/89)

Could someone find the possibility of sending me diskperf, the source or
something?  I have a new hard disk setup and I would like to give it a
good test to find out what the best parameters for the drive would be.
All help will be appreciated a great deal
Mark <mfm1@lehigh.bitnet>

phil@adam.adelaide.edu.au (Phil Kernick) (11/27/90)

Where can I find the program "diskperf" which will give a disk performance
rating of a hard disk.

I looked in FILES.Z on abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov but couldn't find it.

A pointer to a fish disk or ftp site would be great.


Phil Kernick                            EMail:  phil@adam.adelaide.edu.au
Departmental Engineer                   Phone:  +618 228 5914
Dept. of Psychology                     Fax:    +618 224 0464
University of Adelaide                  Mail:   GPO Box 498 Adelaide SA 5001