[comp.sys.amiga] 040 boards

rblewitt@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (Richard Blewitt) (12/02/90)

  About a month or so ago, I was talking to one of the Commedore
people who was here for an on campus demo (this was an actual tech
person, not a sales rep).  Anyway, I was under the impression then
that when the 040 board was added, the 030 had to be halted, but he
said (speaking with a strained look, like he wasn't allowed to give
details) that there was a way to have them both running.
  I was wondering, in such a setup, could the 030 be used as a
replacement for the blitter, giving really fast graphics?  And what
else have you got in store for it :)

					Rick Blewitt

eachus@linus.mitre.org (Robert I. Eachus) (12/05/90)

     Or you could just keep the 030 handling interrupts and whatever
process currently has the second highest priority.  AmigaDOS should be
very comfortable with two CPUs sharing the same memory if the
semaphores are locked into uncacheable memory.


					Robert I. Eachus

function MESSAGE (TEXT: in CLEVER_IDEAS) return BETTER_IDEAS is...

joseph@valnet.UUCP (Joseph P. Hillenburg) (12/06/90)

eachus@linus.mitre.org (Robert I. Eachus) writes:

>      Or you could just keep the 030 handling interrupts and whatever
> process currently has the second highest priority.  AmigaDOS should be
> very comfortable with two CPUs sharing the same memory if the
> semaphores are locked into uncacheable memory.
> --
> 					Robert I. Eachus
> function MESSAGE (TEXT: in CLEVER_IDEAS) return BETTER_IDEAS is...

How hard would it be to stick an '040 in an Axx00 and use the on-board 
CPU  for parallel processing? I'd imagine this would take major OS 
hacking, but how hard, really?

                        Joseph Hillenburg
             Secretary, Bloomington Amiga Users Group
joseph@valnet.UUCP                        ...!iuvax!valnet!joseph
  "Only Apple could slow down a 68030 chip." -Computer Shopper