[comp.sys.amiga] Amiga to Targa

derhak@cs.utah.edu (Maxim Derhak) (12/07/90)

I need to convert a 640x400 Hires iff picture to a targa header format.
(IE 640x400 pixels wrapped in a targa format.)  Does anyone know of a
pd/shareware program that will do this.  The company I work for does a 
reasonable job at printing any size (larger than 4000x4000) images
using a targa header.  We can also scan in images into such a format, so
it would be nice to be able to scan in pictures to display on my amiga.
I would like to be able to use my amiga at home to make some images
to print.  I need a way of converting the files though.  Please e-mail
your responses.

Thank you very much
 Lekarz  THE //\/\    //| \ /  #  Max Derhak (derhak@cs.utah.edu) :^>
   od    \\ //    \  //-|  X   #  After all is said and done, a heck of
  Raju!   \X/      \//  | / \  o  a lot more is said and done. - Murphy

bobl@pro-graphics.cts.com (Bob Lindabury, SysAdmin) (12/10/90)

In-Reply-To: message from derhak@cs.utah.edu
> I need to convert a 640x400 Hires iff picture to a targa header format.
> (IE 640x400 pixels wrapped in a targa format.)  Does anyone know of a
> pd/shareware program that will do this.  The company I work for does a 
> reasonable job at printing any size (larger than 4000x4000) images
> using a targa header.  We can also scan in images into such a format, so
> it would be nice to be able to scan in pictures to display on my amiga.
> I would like to be able to use my amiga at home to make some images
> to print.  I need a way of converting the files though.  Please e-mail
> your responses.
> Thank you very much
> ==========================================================================
>  Lekarz  THE //\/\    //| \ /  #  Max Derhak (derhak@cs.utah.edu) :^>
>    od    \\ //    \  //-|  X   #  After all is said and done, a heck of
>   Raju!   \X/      \//  | / \  o  a lot more is said and done. - Murphy
> -------------------------------
Yes, RGBExchange 1.0 is available from the new Xanth archives.  You will have
to go through a couple of conversions to get there however but I think that
RGBExchange will handle them.  You must also have Digiview 4.0 for some
interum conversion work.  You will basically save the image in the Digiview
format and then convert it to Targa (.TGA) format.
-- Bob

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