[comp.sys.amiga] A3000 Graphics vs. McDraw II

gallo@dtrc.dt.navy.mil (Gallo) (12/19/90)

My_experience is mostly with DOS but this newsgroup and
a few programmers I know  have shown me_that there's more
than one way to draw...er, skin a cat. Ihave an opportunity
to recommend an A3000 DTP workstation to_a co-worker_who
is accustomed to working with MacDraw II on a Mac. The
question is, can he work on an Amiga, save the graphics
in a common format and edit at another location on a
Mac with MacDraw II without suffering from ills_such_as__
different looking fonts, size differences (in the image)

My assumption is that if both programs support Postscript
and if the same fonts are  used by  both programs,_the
only differences will be in the GUI on each platform. This
becomes a training issue versus a tech issue. If any one_has
experience going between platforms_with, say, a viewgraph
done on an Amiga and edited with a Mac & MacDraw, fire me
off a note. I'll summarize to the net.


Chip Gallo