[comp.sys.amiga] Disk drive / serial port problem

jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil (Calvin Jones, III) (12/20/90)

David Greenberg <dsg@cci632.uucp> writes:

	it worked fine...no data loss....I guessed it might be either the time
	it takes to store a buffer it too long, or kronos has some DMA probs.
	but I will try the buffer idea...that sounds like a good possibility!

If I may infer that you are using a C-Ltd controller from the word 
"kronos" above, I'd suggest you check your mountlist (or device setup) 
file to make sure that the serial port has priority over the SCSI port.  
I've seen several cases where this was set wrong and caused loss of 
serial data. (Changing the flag will *NOT* cause you to lose data 
to/from your hard drive.  Data transfer will just be a bit slower.)
   --- Cal
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