[comp.sys.amiga] various sources available

yoshio@ucrmath.ucr.edu (yoshio nakamura) (12/25/90)


Hello, looking through the newsgroup comp.sources.atari.st, there are:

v04i032: gawk211 -- GNU awk, version 2.11  part01/07
v04i033: gawk211 -- GNU awk, version 2.11  part02/07
v04i034: gawk211 -- GNU awk, version 2.11  part03/07
v04i035: gawk211 -- GNU awk, version 2.11  part04/07
v04i036: gawk211 -- GNU awk, version 2.11  part05/07
v04i037: gawk211 -- GNU awk, version 2.11  part06/07
v04i038: gawk211 -- GNU awk, version 2.11  part07/07

v04i039: motasm -- Motorola assemblers for 68xx processors

***** description:
The following post is a PD assembler for the Motorola
68xx series microprocessors. These are the original Motorola
files compiled to the ST. There are 4 files.
motasms.lzh contains the sources.  [Binaries and documentation
are in comp.binaries.atari.st. -sg]

v04i042: sozosun -- Diffs to Sozobon C for cross-compiling on Suns

***** description:
The following uuencoded, compressed, shar'ed, file contains the diffs,
makefiles, and scripts necessary for creating a BSD Unix version of the
Sozobon C compiler for use in cross compiling for the Atari ST.

[Since this is only useful under UNIX anyway, I left it in shar.Z form
 instead of translating to *arc/zoo. -sg]

v04i045: szadb12 -- Sozobon adb debugger, v 1.2  part01/03
v04i046: szadb12 -- Sozobon adb debugger, v 1.2  part02/03
v04i047: szadb12 -- Sozobon adb debugger, v 1.2  part03/03

***** description:
        C sources for a new version of Sozobon adb clone.  New commands
        and suport for other compilers.   Will compile with Sozobon C.
        Also LaTeX sources for {{\tt szadb} Primer}.

[from the binaries description -sg]
        New version of Sozobon adb low-level debugger.  Build upon original
        from Sozobon by Anthony Howe and yours truly.  More powerful and
        convenient.  Straight from the box can be used also with MWC,
        with gcc after small modifications and with other compilers.
        Apart of updated docs this archive contains also a line printer
        approximation "SZADB Primer".  LaTeX sources for this are in
        szadb12s.zoo archive.

Anyone porting these things to the Commodore Amiga?  (except for sozosun,
of course)
