[comp.sys.amiga] GWIN question

mark@zach.fit.edu ( Mark R. Craig) (12/27/90)

First, let me thank all of you that responded to my slow workbench disk
problem (BTW, it's solved now, problem was disk-validation, etc).

Second, I have a few questions about the GWIN graphics package that's on
Fred Fish Disk #322.  It's a great graphics windowing programming package
that makes Amiga graphics easier to program (much less statements needed 
to do complex things) - by Howard C. Anderson.  Anyways, the docs mention
that it can be compiled using different compiler options for floating point
options and large data/small code, large data/large code, etc.  However,
the source code isn't provided, so I can't compile GWIN for those different
options.  Also, and this is (for me) a more serious problem, the graphics
modes supported are:  
   low1   320x200   32 colors
   low2   320x400   16 colors
   high1  640x200   32 colors
   high2  640x400   16 colors
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe low1 and low2 should be 32 colors
and high1 and high2 should be 16 colors (because without going into HAM or
Halfbright, etc those are the largest amount of colors possible).  When I
try to use these modes, I can only get 16 colors in any of these modes 
(gwin modes listed above).  I checked the value of rport1->BitMap->Depth
to find out what the Amiga (and perhaps GWIN) is deciding on: low1,high1,
and high2 are reported to be of depth 4 (16 colors) and low2 is depth 5
(32 colors).
   I feel that I could probably fix this if I had the source code to GWIN,
but I don't have it.  BTW, the GWIN I have is version 1.0 by 
Howard C. Anderson (FF #322) (source code (that's not included on FF 322)
is named gwin.v1.c (gwin.h needed as well)).  If anyone can solve this
problem for me I would be very greatful!

Thanks for your time and effort.

Happy Holidays.


Mark R. Craig
Internet:  la086318@zach.fit.edu
UUCP:      ...!winnie!zach!la086318