[comp.sys.amiga] Epyx game wanted

kws1x@krebs.acc.Virginia.EDU (Kenneth W. Smith Jr) (12/28/90)

	Hello, fellow Netters!
	I remember some time ago that Epyx advertised a commercial
version of "Rogue" for various computers.  The Amiga version, of
course, looked wonderful.  However, if memory serves correctly, 
Epyx has gone under (or some similar fate).  Does anyone have the
Amiga version, and would he/she be willing to trade/sell it?  Does
anyone know of any mail-order houses that would still have it?
Any help would be appreciated.

	Thanx in advance,
	K W Smith, Jr.

| "But it's only a toilet lid!"                                    |
| "Oh, no, it is much more.  It is a means to summon us!"          |
|                                                                  |
| -Quotes from Clive Barker's little-known film "Lidraiser"        |

fhwri%CONNCOLL.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (12/29/90)

I have a copy (first game I bought for my Amiga 4 years ago!) and would be
willing to sell it--MORIA is MUCH better! Have you tried MORIA? Or NetHack?
Or LARN? They're all great, and truly better than ROGUE. If you're interested
in ROGUE, leave Email. $15 takes it.
                                                --Rick Wrigley