[comp.sys.amiga] Imagine: "World Famous Support"

ddyer@hubcap.clemson.edu (Doug Dyer) (01/11/91)

groo@chsdip (Bill Squier) writes:
>In message <12505@hubcap.clemson.edu> ddyer@hubcap.clemson.edu (Doug Dyer), writes:
>>and I was trying to explode a sphere (primitive). Well, I called up and after
>>insisting that I'm pressing return after each entry I ask him if perhaps some
>>objects won't explode.  
>>    He says all will explode.  Even primitives? Yes even primitives.  Well,
>>I finally got the doc on the effects and it explicitly says the sphere wont
>>explode (after a lot of frustration).

>The tech support guy was entirely correct in this case.  There are TWO
>different types of spheres.  One is the CSG sphere, and the other is the
>PRIMITIVE sphere (made of polygons).  When you pull down the "Functions"
>menu, and the sub-item "Add", you'll note a list of four things pops up,
>"Axis", "Sphere", "Ground", "Primitive".  See, there's a sphere there,
>and if you select primitive, you'll see a choice for sphere in there as well.

Sorry, I was using the real sphere.  He should have said that all objects
EXCEPT that one explode (in case I was using it).  At that time the software
was so new to me that I didn't realize there were two. 

So he was incorrect in saying that all objects explode OR he failed to help
me by suggesting my sphere was not the primitive.

Doug Dyer

"I/O's revenge is at hand." - Hennessy & Patterson