[comp.sys.amiga] HELP!!!! WITH AN AMIGA CABLE!! PLEASE

slmt9@cc.usu.edu (01/07/91)


        I have an Amiga 1000 and an Amiga 500 Hard Drive. The drive works
perfectly but because it is a 500 hard drive it covers the mouse and Joystick
ports. What I need is some way to extend the length of the Connectors. This is
the problem the Amiga side is an 86 pin edge card connector and the drive is
what I would guess is the female side of the 86 pin connection.

        Does anyone have a cable that could connect these two from a distance,
or know of a place that sells such a beast, Even the parts?

        I got the drive at a really good price but without being about to use
it with the mouse and joystick. It is worth less to me.

        Any help greatly appriciated.


higgin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Paul Higginbottom - CATS) (01/11/91)

In article <1991Jan6.221902.46206@cc.usu.edu> slmt9@cc.usu.edu writes:
$        I have an Amiga 1000 and an Amiga 500 Hard Drive. The drive works
$perfectly but because it is a 500 hard drive it covers the mouse and Joystick
$ports. What I need is some way to extend the length of the Connectors. This is
$the problem the Amiga side is an 86 pin edge card connector and the drive is
$what I would guess is the female side of the 86 pin connection.
$        Does anyone have a cable that could connect these two from a distance,
$or know of a place that sells such a beast, Even the parts?
$        Joshua
$        SLMT9@cc.usu.edu

[I'm not a hardware guy but...] This is not an advisable thing to do as
the A1000 expansion connector was designed for only very short expansion
distances.  You might consider modifying the housing of the drive to make
room for mouse and joystick port extenders instead, which are less
sensitive to distance.
