smh@mit-eddie.UUCP (Steven M. Haflich) (03/07/84)
MIT COMPUTER MUSIC SUMMER WORKSHOPS 1984 TECHNIQUES OF DIGITAL AUDIO PROCESSING JUNE 18-29 WORKSHOP IN COMPUTER MUSIC COMPOSITION JULY 2-27 For the seventh year, the Experimental Music Studio at MIT will offer intensive summer courses in computer music -- a series of two complementary workshops focusing on digital audio techniques and on composition. TECHNIQUES OF DIGITAL AUDIO PROCESSING offers a solid grounding in digital audio methods and also covers a wide range of related topics, including reverberation, simulated ambience, cognitive processes in music composition, real-time systems, psychoacoustics, and digital-to-analog conversion. Guest lecturers include Barry Blesser of the Audio Engineering Society; Max Mathews of Bell Laboratories; Bernard Gordon, president of the Analogic Corporation; and John R. Pierce of Stanford University and formerly Bell Labs. Participants in the WORKSHOP IN COMPUTER MUSIC COMPOSITION will be able to apply sound synthesis and processing techniques toward composing music using the MIT Studio's computer music systems. Individual coaching by staff, and twenty-four-hour access to the Studio, will give composers the opportunity to complete a new computer music work. Visiting composers will lecture and be available for consultation. This year, guests will include Charles Dodge and Pulitzer Prize winner Mario Davidovsky. Participants' completed works will be performed in a public concert at MIT's Kresge Auditorium on July 27. Both workshops provide an intensive combination of lectures, tutoring, and hands-on experience using the computers of the MIT Experimental Music Studio. No special technical knowledge is required. Enrollments are limited in order to ensure adequate computer time for all workshop participants. For further information, contact: Experimental Music Studio, Rm. 26-313, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA 02139 (tel. 617-253-7441)