[comp.sys.amiga] Looking for Printer Driver

rthorstr@sleepy.bmd.trw.com (06/28/90)

I am in the search of a printer driver for my Star Micronics SG-10 dot matrix
printer.  I have tried EpsonX and other Epson style drivers and they work
OK when I only want to print text, but when it comes to graphics there are
some real problems.  I use ProWrite 2.0 for wordprocessing and, if I want to
use the fonts ProWrite provides (which I believe are printed out by the
software switching the printer to graphics mode), the printer will skip lines
and eventually will start to give me a totally black printout.  I get the same
results when I try to print out the image of the 1040 form from OXXI's TAXBREAK.

Someone please help me, I desparate!


                                               Rod T.

Martin@pnt.CAM.ORG (Martin Taillefer) (07/02/90)

>I am in the search of a printer driver for my Star Micronics SG-10 dot matrix
>printer.  I have tried EpsonX and other Epson style drivers and they work
>OK when I only want to print text, but when it comes to graphics there are
>some real problems.

I'd also like any info on such a driver. A friend of mine has been having the
same problems.

Martin Taillefer   INTERNET: martin@pnt.CAM.ORG   BIX: vertex
UUCP: uunet!philmtl!altitude!pnt.CAM.ORG    TEL: 514/640-5734

dingebre@esunix.UUCP (David Ingebretsen) (01/12/91)

   I'm in need of a printer driver for an IBM Personal Computer
   Graphics Printer, model 5152. If you have one, could you EMAIL
   it to me? Neither EpsonXold, and EpsonX (both from WB 1.3), or
   Epson (from the AMICUS disk number 9) handle both graphics and 
   text correctly.


   David Ingebretsen  utah-cs!esunix!dingebre

   P.S. I apologize if this has hit the net several times. I have
        had some trouble getting out of our system.