[comp.sys.amiga] Amiga Sounds <--> Macintosh Sounds

ua_jl@nuhub.acs.northeastern.edu (01/08/91)

Does anyone in netland know how to convert amiga sound format to macintosh
sound format??

Thanks in Advance.

	Would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses??

davem@hp-lsd.COS.HP.COM (Dave K. Martin) (01/14/91)

In my capacity as librarian for the local Amiga club, I found a small program 
which claims to have the ability to import MAC sound files.  Its original 
purpose is to be a sound file (8SVX) editor.  I haven't tried it and the 
docs seem pretty sketchy but if you want, I can email it to you.  Its pretty 
small as I remember, 20k or so lharced.		
