[comp.sys.amiga] message overkill

PYC136@uriacc.uri.edu (Andy Patrizio) (01/16/91)

I guess this message is directed at whoever can do something about it...

Since c.s.a. was splintered, I've been receiving mail from two different
sites: amiga-relay and mmdf. Often the mail is repeated. What comes from
Amiga-relay also comes through mmdf, so I'm getting 300+ pieces of mail
per day.

Is anyone else having this problem? And when will it end?

                         |  Bitnet:   pyc136@uriacc.bitnet
Andy Patrizio            |  ARPA:     pyc136@uriacc.uri.edu
Class of 2010            |  Internet: pyc136%uriacc.bitnet@brownvm.brown.edu
University of RI         |  Usenet:   andypo@idsvax.ids.com
                         |  UUCP:     uunet!rayssd!idsvax!andypo
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