[comp.sys.amiga] Device driver needed.

gt1619a@prism.gatech.EDU (Net Runner Mark V) (01/17/91)

Hello there, NetFolk!

	I've chanced upon an old A2090 and hard-disk and to use it, I need
the following files :
	'hddisk.device'	and
	'prep' or 'prephd'

	Could anyone who's got 'em e-mail 'em to me. I've been trying to get
copies of them for weeks now.

-Thanx, in advance.

James D. McIninch
School of Applied Biology
Georgia Institute of Technology, Box 31619
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
uucp:     ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt1619a
Internet: gt1619a@prism.gatech.edu
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